Norma Khan: Paranormal Detective

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New day in the Dead End manor, Norma showed Barney and Pugsley an image of Jennifer Swan's missing poster with several strings pinned at different directions on her tablet. "There. Every single piece of evidence for the disappearance of Jennifer Swan. What do you think?", Norma asked.

"Could you just zoom out a bit?", Barney asked. "Oh, sure.", Norma replied.

Using her index finger and thumb, she zoomed out the image to reveal each and every evidence she had pinned on a board. "Today's the day we solve it. She was in the In-between and, thanks to Essie, everyone got out of there alive, so maybe she can, too.", Norma theorized.

"Oh, good thinking.", Barney commented. "Yeah!", Pugsley cheered.

"Well, you have fun with that.", Barney said, as he got up with Pugsley in his arms. "Wait, you're not going to help?", Norma asked.

"Ugh, I'd love to, but... I kinda have that thing with my family. Hopefully I can smooth things out.", Barney said, uneasily. "I can't wait to get my scratches!", Pugsley exclaimed.

"Are you sure you don't want to tell them you can talk?", Barney asked. "Scratches first. Mom and Dad know how to scratch my belly juuust right.", Pugsley replied.

"Hey, what's wrong with my scratches?", Barney asked. Just as Barney and Pugsley were about to walk out, the door suddenly slammed opened to reveal Courtney entering, while dragging a sack and going up the stairs.

"Oh, your scratches are fine.", Pugsley replied. "Fine?", Barney asked.

He and Pugsley walked out and closed the door behind them, leaving Norma alone with Courtney. "Uh, Courtney! Wanna help me solve a...", Norma trailed off when she noticed the sack.

"What's that?", Norma asked. "Sorry. Busy. Stuff. Laters.", Courtney quickly said, before going back to dragging up the sack.

Norma groaned, as she grabbed her bag and walked towards the door. "Fine, I'll do this on my own.", Norma said.

As soon as she opened the door, she yelped when Badyah stood before her. "On your own? Want company? What are we doing?", Badyah eagerly asked.

"Uh, you wouldn't be interested. I'm solving a disappearance.", Norma said. She quickly looked around, before whispering, "Possibly a murder."

"If investigating a murder is the only way to hang out with you, then fine! Where are we heading first, boss?", Badyah asked. "Uh, to meet an informant.", Norma replied. She shut the door and pulled out a pair of sunglasses.

"And I suppose every great detective has to have a sidekick.", Norma said, before putting on the sunglasses. "You mean partner.", Badyah corrected.

"No, I don't.", Norma continued. At a western-themed restaurant called Dynamite Doris Saloon, Barney walked inside dramatically, before his brother Patrick spotted him and waved. 

"Barney!", Patrick exclaimed. "Patrick!", Barney exclaimed as well. 

He ran towards Patrick and hugged each other, as Pugsley trotted up and barked in excitement. "Hey.", Pugsley greeted. 

"Pugsley!", Patrick exclaimed, before scratching behind the dog's ears. Barney turned his attention towards his parents and greeted, "Uh, hi..." 

The boys and Pugsley sat in the booth big enough for the entire family. Without anyone saying anything, you can tell the tension surrounding Barney and his parents. 

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