Chapter 6

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"I don't get why Mephisto wants you to blend in," Rin mused to the closed restroom door, "I mean, Al sticks out like a sore thumb and there's no way to fix that."
"I don't know, maybe he's just messing with me," Ed's voice was muffled from the other side of the door, "I look ridiculous anyway."
As he finished his sentence, the door opened and Ed stepped out in a uniform, pulling his white gloves back on. Al gave his brother a thumbs up, but Rin's mouth dropped open. "Ridiculous" was not the word he'd use.
"What's with the look?" Ed smirked, echoing what Rin had asked him earlier.
"" Rin gulped, "You look that."
He snapped out of it the next second, "But where's your tie?"
Ed held it up, "Erm..."
Rin chuckled, "You don't know how to tie it? Here."
Without waiting for a reply, he took the tie from Ed. Placing two fingers under the shorter boys chin, he tipped his head back, before slowly tying the tie around his neck. Ed head had dropped to watch, so after he had fixed his collar to finish, Rin ran the same two fingers up his neck to his chin, tipping his head back again. Without offering anything else, he turned away, "Come on, let's go."
Mesmerized, Ed followed, while Al shook his head, "What the hell did I just have to watch?"

Ed and Al followed Rin to a random classroom door and watched wide-eyed as he drew a key from his pocket and unlocked the door with an unnatural clanking sound. When the door opened, they stepped into a long hallway that they couldn't see either end of.
"Ta-da! Welcome to Cram school," Rin said, proudly.
"I see what you mean by 'big ass hallway' now," Ed mused.
Rin started down the hallway toward the classroom, "Yup, it's really easy to get lost here so be careful."
"I'm guessing you've gotten lost multiple times?" Al said, his clanking footsteps echoing off the walls and high ceiling.
"Ergh, maybe," Rin grumbled.
He stopped at a classroom a few doors down from where they entered. There were a handful of students inside also wearing school uniforms—Shima, Koneko, and Suguro sat along the far wall. At the center tables sat two girls, one with long purple hair, one with blond hair, and a blond boy with a creepy rabbit hand-puppet. They all sat at separate tables. Rin and the Elrics took the seats closest to the door, with Ed and Rin sitting together at the front table and Al sitting directly behind his brother. Ed propped his feet up on the table in front of him.
As soon as the boys were settled, the blond girl beside them waved shyly, "Hi, Rin. How was your break?"
"Hey, Shiemi. It was good. How was yours?"
"Oh, I—"
She was interrupted by the door opening and Yukio stepping inside. He walked to the desk at the front of the room and set his briefcase on it, "Good morning, class."
"Good morning, Mr Okumura," the whole class sang in tandem except Rin, the Elrics, and Shima who called, "Sup, again, Teach?!"
Ignoring him, Yukio continued, "I hope you all had a good break and are ready to jump back into your studies. To start, you may have noticed a few new faces. This is Edward and Alphonse Elric. They are alchemists all the way from Amestris, and they are going to be sitting in on some of your classes for the time being."
"Nice to meet you," Shiemi whimpered, shyly, while the girl behind her just muttered, "Great, just what this place needs—more freaks."
Yukio began class with some review questions out of the textbook. By question four, the clueless silence that followed after Yukio read the question was punctuated by the thunk, thunk, thunk of Ed's bouncing his head off the desk. He finally raised his hand, "Can I answer this?"
Yukio turned to the rest of the class, "Anyone else want to try?" and when he was met with shaken heads and shrugged shoulders, turned back to Ed, "Go ahead, Ed."
The whole class watched wide-eyed as Ed took off on a ramble, taking turns with Al who chimed in periodically. By the time they were satisfied, half the class had their mouths hanging open and the other half were furiously scribbling notes. "Did that answer your question?" Ed asked.
Yukio shook his head laughing, "That and the next two questions. Well done, both of you."
"Thank you want me to call you Mr Okumura?"
"No, you can call me Yukio. I consider you my colleague after all. Besides," Yukio didn't look up from his textbook as he added, "You are sleeping with my brother after all."
Both Ed and Rin burned bright red and Rin planted his face in his hands, "I didn't want the whole class to find out that way, Yukio."

Alchemist/Exorcist 2 (FMA: Brotherhood x Blue Exorcist) (Ed x Rin)Where stories live. Discover now