Chapter 8

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        Ed's fists were clenched so tightly they were trembling. Finally, he couldn't stand it anymore. He jumped up, throwing his chair back, and stormed out. "Ed!" Rin cried, chasing after him.
        He caught up with the alchemist in the hallway, "Ed, wait!"
        Ed whirled around, "You have six months to live, Rin?!"
        "It's more like five now...and no, I just need to pass the exorcist exam,"
        "Oh, is that all?!" Ed snapped, sarcastically, "Dammit, Rin! When were you going to tell me?"
       "I wasn't, really," Rin said, sheepishly, "It's nothing to worry about though really...I"
       He trailed off at the look on Ed's face, "Ed?"
       "Rin, I..." he gulped, "I'm scared for you."
       His whole body was numb with it. The only way he knew he was still there at all was that he was also trembling, the metal arm and leg clinking. The fear just barely overshadowed the humiliation in having to admit it. But Rin wasn't teasing him. His face had gone slack, his mouth hanging open a bit. "You're scared?" he murmured.
        "Yeah, of course I am, dummy! I—I—I care about you! I can't lose you!" Ed put his face in his hands.
        A moment later, he felt a hand on his shoulder and another hand on the back on his head, guiding his forehead to Rin's chest, "I didn't realize you felt that much for me. You're not gonna lose me, okay?"
       "You don't know that for sure.'re a fair fighter, but this is an exam we're talking about and you're not exactly the intellectual sort,"
       "Don't sell me too short. I'm training my ass off. I'll be just fine,"
       Ed backed up slightly. He gazed around the hallway as if the answer was there, then bit down on his lower lip, "I want to meet this teacher of yours."
       A few hours later, Yukio led the other three boys to the fitness center where Rin had been many times for training. "What's this teacher of yours like, Rin?" Al asked as they entered.
       "Well...she' do I put this?"
       They were greeted at the door by a, "Whoo-hoo!! Three wins for me!!"
       They came upon two people, a man who lay on the floor and a young woman in her twenties jumping up and down above him, holding a wooden stick over her head like the one that lay on the floor beside the man. She had a pink and blond ponytail and large breasts barely concealed by a bikini top. Ed cringed inwardly, Dammit, Rin's screwed!
        When she had finished jumping, the woman helped the man to his feet, "You're not letting me win, are you?"
        The man laughed awkwardly. It was clear she had him all flustered, "You got me, Shura!"
        She gave an obnoxiously bubbly laugh, "Naughty! You owe me, you scally-wag!"
       "How about I take you to lunch sometime?"
       "Sounds like a plan, handsome," Shura winked.
       The Elrics just stared at the two throughout this exchange. "What on earth are we witnessing?" Ed questioned.
        "Rin, please, you should get a different teacher," Al begged.
        But after the man left, and Shura spotted them, everything changed. She kicked the man's abandoned stick straight into Ed's hands before striking. Ed expertly blocked, but cried, "Whoa!"
         He swung at her legs, but she jumped, aiming a kick at his head, which Ed dipped to avoid before blocking the stick coming down on him. As she bounced off his block, Ed took the opportunity to strike her in the stomach. Shura flew back a few feet, but came right back at him, laughing, "I like him, Chicken!"
        It became clear she was talking to Yukio as the younger exorcist grimaced, "I told you not to call me that."
         "Edward, right?" she hadn't stopped fighting him.
         "That's right," Ed flung himself over Shuras head, landing behind her and pinning her against himself with the stick pressed to her throat. Shura just grinned before launching him back over her head and landing him on his back.
          Smirking down at him, she rested her stick across her shoulders, hanging her hands from it, "Not bad, kid."
          "You too. you're"
          "A flirtatious bimbo? Nah,"
          "Ed, Al, this is Shura Kirigakure," Yukio said, "She's a senior exorcist."
          Ed got to his feet, still eyeing Shura warily, "You're training Rin so he can pass his exorcist exam?"
           "That's right. And you're his new boy toy?"
            Al laughed behind them, but Ed scoffed, "You can say that."
             "Funny, I didn't think you'd be his type,"
             "You didn't think I liked guys?" Rin asked.
             "Nah, I did. Just thought you were into fems,"
             While Rin blushed and stammered, Shura's eyes drifted to Al, "Who're you?"
              "Oh, I'm Alphonse...Ed's my brother. A—And well, I'm no one's boy toy," he stifled a laugh.
              "Brother? So you're not his familiar?"
              "No, I'm not his familiar!" Al snapped, surprised, "Why would you think that?"
              "A living suit of armor? If you're not a familiar, then what—?"
              Al gave a nervous laugh, "Living sui—what?! I'm just wearing this..."
              Ed chimed in, "Yeah, he's—"
              "Oh, cut the shit, kiddies. You don't become a senior exorcist by taking things at face value,"
              "Shura..." Yukio said through his teeth changing the subject, "Cozying up with Okabe, are we?"
             "Yup!" Shura exclaimed, but she was breaking into a nervous sweat, "He is a cutie!"
             "So this has nothing to do with the mission he's leading in the inner city...?"
             "Okabe's leading a mission? I had no idea. Good for him,"
             "Yeah, and they still need an exorcist with a Tamer meister..."
             "What a coin-ki-dink..."
             "Shura..." Yukio snarled again.
             "What?..." finally breaking, she snapped, "Ah, piss off, Chicken! Don't you have someone's grammar to correct or something!?"
             As they bickered, Ed leaned into Rin, "Are you sure you wanna be an exorcist? They all seem kinda nutty."
            "I'll say," Al added, "What was all that about me being your familiar anyway?"
            Neither of them had a chance to answer, as Shura had whirled on Rin, "Well, what are we farting around for?! You have training to do!"
            "Good luck, you two!" Yukio said, "I'm gonna show Ed and Al to the North library before my class starts."
              They all said their goodbyes, before Yukio and the Elrics left Shura and Rin to their training. As Yukio dropped them off, he asked with a chuckle, "If either of you have a free minute in like a half hour, can you check on those two? Make sure Rin hasn't burned the place down or Shura hasn't died from his stupidity?"
              And thus, a half hour later, Al appeared in the doorway, explaining this to Shura and Rin. "It's a miracle, but yeah, we're both still in one piece," Shura replied, "Thanks, Alphonse—Oh, hey, while you're here, would you want to give me a hand?"

Alchemist/Exorcist 2 (FMA: Brotherhood x Blue Exorcist) (Ed x Rin)Where stories live. Discover now