Chapter 15

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                "Someone needs to take her to the infirmary," Yukio said.
                "What can they do?!" Rin snapped.
                "More than we can. We need to slow her deterioration, like I said, the same as any sickness,"
                 "I'll take her,"Al gently scooped Shiemi up.
                 As they watched him go, Yukio said, "The three of us should inform Mephisto."
                 "At this hour?" Rin asked.
                 "It can't wait until morning now,"
                 "I don't trust that kook," Ed said again.
                  "We don't either," Yukio sighed, "But he's more powerful than this thing. And he's the director. He needs to know."
                  "If he doesn't already," Rin murmured.
                  "Thank you for bringing her here," the nurse said as her and her colleagues settled Shiemi in a bed, "You can leave her with us."
                  "Can't I stay for a bit?" Al asked, anxiously, knowing too well what was really wrong with here.
                  "No, you don't want to catch this sickness. You better go. We'll take care of her,"
                  Not being able to think of an excuse other than not having a body that can get sick, Al reluctantly left. He was so deep in thought as he made his way back to the dorm that he almost didn't hear the voice call out to him.
                  "You?!" Al cried, as Harada strolled up to him. He took a defensive stance, "Stay back!"
                  "I'm not here to fight. I want to offer Thebes' power to you," Harada said, "Without your brother and friends around to manipulate you."
                "They don't manipulate me! I can think for myself and I know you can't be trusted!"
                "Can't be trusted? Alphonse, am I attacking you right now? No. I want to help you, Thebes wants to help you. He's told me everything you're going through,"
                "That weird thing doesn't know anything about me!"
                "Not being able to eat, sleep. Wouldn't you like to feel the sun on your face? Or ask out that pretty blonde girl?"
                Al tried to reply, but all that would come was a strangled gasp. Harada was holding out his hand, "Just take my hand and you can forget this stupid armor."
               Al lifted one hand.
              I could have my body back...It's that easy...
              "No!" he cried, suddenly. Instead of taking Harada's hand he grabbed his arm and flung him.
               The exorcist tumbled, but landed on his feet, "Stubborn brat!"
               He surged back at Al, "I've just about had it with you insolent boys."
               Al managed to throw him back a few feet again. This time Harada raised both hands to the sky. The wind returned, spiraling above his head as he prepared to unleash it, "I'm sorry, child, but—"
              "SNAKE FANG!"
              A gust of wind just as powerful as Harada's sliced through the air, colliding with the professor and throwing his into the nearby building. Shura came up beside Al, holding a purple katana. "Alphonse, you wanna tell me what's going on?"
             "He's possessed, ma'am,"
             "Any idea what by?" she asked, as Harada dragged himself from the rubble.
             "A soul sapper I think Yukio called it. Calls himself Thebes?"
             Shura whistled, "Yup, he's a big-un."
            "Ms Shura, that was quite rude of you to interrupt our conversation," Harada said, stalking toward them now.
             "Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I was just wondering when you were gonna grow a pair and eject that demon riding your ass!!"
             "HE'S NOT A DEMON!"
             The intense wind returned in a flash, whipping around them ferociously. Al struggled to stay standing, but Shura didn't seem fazed. Her ponytail whipped around her head, but she still threw two more attacks at Harada who bounded upwards to dodge. Shura leapt too, higher than him, aiming a blow down towards him and driving him into the pavement. The wind died instantly, and Shura landed lithely beside him and brought the tip of her sword to his neck.
             "That was amazing, ma'am!" Al cried, but Shura was gazing down at her opponent.
             "Thebes? Really? I thought you were smarter than this—Hey, my eyes are up here!"
             "My apologies. It's not what you think, miss. Thebes is scanning for any brokenness in you...but you seem very whole,"
             "Ew, where are you manners?!" Al snapped, causing Shura to grin.
               "Eject him right now, Harada. Your body can't hold a demon this powerful for very long. He'll burn you out,"
              Harada shook his head, "You too. When will you all see it? Anyway, I'll see you soon, Alphonse."
               With that, he was gone. With a yell, Shura drove her sword into what would have been Harada's throat, but it was too late and she hit just dirt. Cursing, she yanked the blade from the ground. "Harada doesn't have very long, does he?" Al asked, quietly after a moment.
              "No," Shura shook her head, "That dumbass."
              "How do we save him?"
              Shura gave him a mirthless half-smile, "It might be too late for that, kid. I'm more concerned about you boys—the way he said he'd see you soon. I'm definitely missing something. Where are the others?"
              "They went to tell Mephisto,"
              "Ha, lotta good that'll do. I'm guessing—"

               "He definitely already knows," Ed grumbled as they took in the sight of Mephistos office. The door had been blown open and everything was thrown throughout the room, tipped over, shattered.
                  "Harada kidnapped him?" Rin questioned, skeptically, "Or demon-napped him?"
                  "How'd he manage that? Yukio said that that clown was more powerful,"
                  Yukio shrugged, "Maybe he took him off guard? I agree though, this doesn't add up."
                  No one else spoke. Rin was watching Ed's face. He was deep in thought, the expression captivating on his angled face, but more than that, Rin was burning to know what he was thinking. He opened his mouth to ask, when the sound of running feet reached their ears. The next moment Shura and Al appeared in the doorway.
                 Shura stopped short at the sight, "Shit."
                 "Shura? What—?"
                 Rin was interrupted by Shura surging at him and grabbing him around the neck, "DUMBASS! HOW DO YOU ALWAYS MANAGE TO ATTRACT TROUBLE!?"
                 "I'm not trying to!" Rin cried, yanking away and rubbing his throat, "And Al and Ed and just as much to blame as me."
                 "Al already got his earfull and yours is coming," she pointed threateningly at Ed, "But that's not important right now. Al told me all about your problem with Professor Harada. I can't believe you didn't come to me or another exorcist for back-up."
                "I thought we could handle it," Yukio grumbled.
                "Oh, yeah," Shura sang, sarcastically, "This is certainly what I call handled."
                "Shut up and help us, will you?"
                "Sure thing, Chicken," she snatched a piece of paper off the bottom side of Mephistos desk (which was now facing up), "None of you noticed the note here?"
                "We were getting to it," Ed snarled, "We were a little preoccupied with the destroyed room."
                "What's it say?" Rin asked.
                Shura read, "To the Okumuras and the Elrics, This ends tonight. Only one of us can remain at True Cross as long as you continue to deny me. Meet me in the gymnasium or your director and your friend in the infirmary die. Signed...Thebes."
                Among the other threes gasps and murmurs of disbelief, Ed had his gaze fixed on the floor, his hands balled into tight fists. Rin's gaze fell on him as he growled, "Well, what are we waiting for?" he lifted his eyes to meet Rin's, "Lead the way."
               The rest of the world fell away. Rin would have followed Ed straight into Gehenna in that moment. And they may as well be.

Alchemist/Exorcist 2 (FMA: Brotherhood x Blue Exorcist) (Ed x Rin)Where stories live. Discover now