Chapter 13

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            With a flash of blue flames a chair struck the wall. "Rin, calm down," Al demanded, sternly, "You're just going to rile her up more."
             He turned back to Shiemi, his hand on her shoulder. The girl had her face hidden in her hands, "I'm such an idiot."
             "No, you're not. This has happened to a lot of students on campus,"
              "I know, but I'm an exorcist-in-training. I should know better. And this is the second time I've been tricked into selling my soul,"
              Al faltered, "It-It is?"
              Rin leaned in so Shiemi couldn't hear, "Al, Shiemi's a lot of wonderful things, believe me. Smart isn't one of them though."
              Yukio snorted, "You're one to talk."
              Before Rin could retaliate, Ed asked Shiemi, "Where did this happen? And did you see where he went afterwards?"
              "Just in the courtyard and he headed towards the main building, I assume back to his office,"
              "He has an office?"
              "He's borrowing the teacher's whom he's subbing for," Yukio replied, "Maybe you and I should go there now and hopefully corner him there."
             "I'm coming too," Rin said.
             "As am I," Al added.
             Then a more timid voice, "Me too."
             "Shiemi—" Yukio started.
             The girl scrunched up her face in a determined expression (and Al almost passed out), "I want to help. I need to. I let him trick me and he wants to hurt my friends."
             Yukio sighed in exasperation, "Okay, I guess we're all going. Just handing over everyone who's souls he wants...I'll break the news to Ukobach."
              The courtyard was bathed in darkness as the five of them quietly made their way from the dorm to the main building. Rin held Ed's hand, but the other boy had an iron grip on him. Trying to ease his nerves, Rin nodded at Al and Shiemi walking a few paces ahead of them, "You've noticed our little love birds there, right?"
               But Ed snapped back, "Of course I have."
               Rin tried again, "I think it's great. Shiemi's a great girl. And Al—"
               "Doesn't need to be in a relationship right now. Neither of us do,"
              "Okay, jeez. Someone's bitchy,"
              "You would be too if you could take anything seriously,"
              "The hell does that mean?" Rin hissed.
              "I don't like this, Rin. I'm handing you and Al over to Harada, just like he tried to trick me into doing. And in the midst of that you're talking about the most inconsequential things ever—ie me and Al's love lives. Are you joking right now?"
              His voice had risen steadily, until Yukio hushed him. Rin slowed, putting more space between them and the others. "I'm taking this seriously, Ed. I am. But Al deserves to be happy with Shiemi if that's what he wants—and you do with me."
              "We're not having this conversation right now," Ed ripped his hand from Rin's and jogged ahead to catch up to the others as they approached the steps to the main building.
             Yukio led them through the hallways saturated with shadows to what was Haradas office for now. He put his hand on the door, mouthing to the others who were in a neat line behind him, One, two, three.
              He threw the door open and they all surged in. Harada had been sitting at his desk, but jumped to his feet in surprise. But he grinned at them each in turn, "Boys! This is a pleasant surprise—And Miss Moriyama! How's your hand, dear?"
               Shiemi clenched the hand into a fist, admitting, "Better—but my friends told me what you're doing, that you stole my soul!...I'd like it back, please."
               "Seriously?" Ed muttered.
               "And you believe them? They're just trying to scare you..."
               "Don't you dare even talk to her!" Rin snapped.
               Harada turned his focus on the exwire, "Rin Okumura? You I've been especially anxious to see."
               He held out his hand, "Wouldn't you like to be human? Thebes can do it. You can be a normal boy again, no messy demon nonsense...You can be with Edward, no strings attached. Wouldn't you like that?"
               Rin felt glued to the floor. "I...would..." he murmured.
               Ed was shaking him, "Rin, snap out of it!"
               Rin's gaze drifted lazily over to Ed. The look on his face reminded him of when he found out about the exorcist exam. Without his demonic powers, Ed wouldn't need to be afraid to lose him. But then another memory surfaced.
               "He's my friend and you're not going to touch him!"
               "It doesn't matter to me what you are. I know you're good."
                "Your damn tail!...It's so cute,"
               And like a dam breaking something shattered within him and anger poured back in, raging, hot, and bright blue.
               Reality slammed back in as Harada burst into screams of pain. His outstretched hand was engulfed in blue flames. He crumpled to his knees, crying out, "Thebes! Thebes, help me!...I don't understand!"
                Ed took the opportunity to strike the desk between them. The metal framework and legs unwound themselves, before reforming and pinning Harada to the wall. He was still screaming as the flames went out leaving his hand a crumpled, blackened mass of flesh. "Rin's demonic flames," Yukio stated, "Your demon friend can't protect you from that."
                "I told you!" Harada thundered, and a biting, swirling wind picked up, "Thebes is not a demon!"
                "You're hurting people, Professor!" Al cried.
                "I'm not! I'm saving them!"
                 Books were being swept off the shelves and spun around the office like fluttering projectiles. The desk was cleaned off.
                 "You need to eject him, Professor!" Yukio exclaimed, between ducking, "Your mortal body can't contain him. You'll die along with your students!"
                The wind was shrieking now. Ed had to scream to even hear himself, "We want to help you!"
                 "You don't know what you're talking about! I'm not going to die! I'VE NEVER BEEN MORE ALIVE!"

Alchemist/Exorcist 2 (FMA: Brotherhood x Blue Exorcist) (Ed x Rin)Where stories live. Discover now