Chapter 18

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             Ed stood in shock for a half a second before remembering the situation they were still very much in—as he dove to avoid a tentacle of the monster still destroying the building. The gym was nearly rubble by now.
              Before he could stand from where he lay, he felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind and someone putting their whole weight of him.
              "What are you doing?"
              "Protecting you!" Rin's eyes shone beautiful blue as they met gazes over Ed's shoulder.
              "You were amazing just now. You didn't burn me! It didn't hurt at all!" Ed said, before turning and surveying their predicament, "This is how we go, huh?"
  Rin opened his mouth to reply, but they were both distracted as a streak of gold flew over their heads and crashed into the monsters skull with a thunk. The tentacles slowed exponentially as it searched for the source.
  "Alright, I got it's attention," came Renzo's shaky voice. He and the other exwires stood in what remained of the doorway.
  "What's happening?" Ed questioned.
  "Exwires," Rin grinned.
  "That's your cue, Kamiki," said Suguro.
  "Don't tell me what to do!" the girl snapped, before smearing her blood across two squares of paper and reciting, "I humbly appeal to thee, Oh goddess Inari. Grant my request, leave not my prayers to be unfulfilled!"
  Ed's mouth fell open as two white foxes burst from nowhere and charged the monster. All tentacles swung for the foxes, but they lithely dodged, getting in a substantial amount of damage.
  "Fantastic," Suguro said, dropping to his knees, "Now, while it's weakened, Koneko, it's up to you and me."
  "Right," the other boy dropped to his knees as well and they both chanted, "In that day, the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea!"
  As they spoke the creature began to squeal, the golden rod that was still jammed into its head began to glow, and finally as they finished, the monster simply vanished. Sulfur-scented smoke filled the room. Before they could even see more than a few feet in front of them, Rin and Ed felt pairs of hands pulling them to their feet and a chorus of voices surrounded them,
  "Are you guys okay?"
  "Holy shit, that was intense!"
  "Anyone want to explain what all that was...?"
  "Glad you're all safe. We barely made it here in time,"
  Ed and Rin's reassurances were cut off by another voice from the doorway, "Rin!? Edward?! Alphonse?!"
  As the rest of the smoke cleared, they could see Shiemi standing in the doorway, panting. She paled at the sight of the three of them, first, "Alphonse! You're all over the place! What—" then, "Put them down, put them down! They need treatment, they shouldn't move until they're checked out!"
The others hurriedly dropped Ed and Rin as Shiemi kneeled at their side. "Nee?" she said to seemingly no one. Just then a small green ball of leaves with limbs popped out of thin air, "Nee!"
             "I need some Mr Sancho," Shiemi was saying.
             "Really, Shiemi, we'll be fine," Ed insisted, sitting up.
             But Shiemi broke off the long green stalks from the creatures belly and swatted him in the face, "I'll decide that! Now lie down and hold still!"
             Ed rubbed his face, grumbling to himself, She actually reminds me of someone else we know...Only at least that wasn't a wrench.
               Once Shiemi was satisfied with Ed's treatment, he was allowed to stand up. The exwires watched in awe as he repaired Al in a few seconds. "All right side up now, Al?" Renzo asked as the armored boy towered over him again.
             "Yes," Al said, "Thanks for the assist. You guys were awesome!"
             Koneko blushed, "That means a lot from you guys."
             Ed and Al exchanged a look. "Us?" Ed asked.
             "Rumors are already all over campus," said a voice behind them. Shura came limping in, with one arm over Yukio's shoulders (although he seemed to be leaning on her just as heavily), "Something about two expert alchemists saving the students from a demon..."
             "And causing thousands of dollars of property damage," Yukio added, "But mostly the first part."

             Pale, early morning sun was streaming through the holes in the ceiling as more exorcists swarmed the area. Each of the exwires, the Elrics, and Yukio and Shura had to give statements at least three times. In the midst of all this, Mephisto Pheles burst onto the scene:
              "Well done, exwires! Well done! My deepest gratitude for saving me!"
              "Mephisto!" Rin cried, "Where'd you come from?"
              "That brute Thebes had me locked in his office, the place was coated in devils traps—nasty business," he said more quietly, before continuing to sing, "As a reward—and because our campus is destroyed and your teachers are injured—classes are canceled for today!"
             All the students cheered and high-fived. They waited for each other to finish giving statements and all stepped out into the sunny courtyard together.
             "What should we do with our time off, guys?" Renzo asked.
              There was mumbling throughout the group, different suggestions, including Kamiki questioning why she would spend her free time with them before Shiemi spoke up a little too loud and with a trembling voice,
               "I have an idea! If everyone's up for it, that is..."

Alchemist/Exorcist 2 (FMA: Brotherhood x Blue Exorcist) (Ed x Rin)Where stories live. Discover now