Chapter 24 - Reunited in Lothlorien

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Thorodriel: Chapter 24

As she reached the forest floor and headed for the lake, a chorus of mournful singing filled the air. Goosebumps ran up Aeweneth's arms as the harmonious voices drifted in and out of the luscious greenery. Noticing her companions in the distance near the fountain, she slowly made her approach. The group were sat in silence, listening to the music surrounding them. Aragon sharpened his weapons; the hobbits listened in awe; and Boromir sat by the water, watching it flow and ripple. They were in mourning, she noted, just like she was. Legolas in particular, looked restless as he wandered the camp aimlessly.

"A lament for Gandalf" he explained to the curious hobbits.

"What do they say about him?" Merry pushed further.

"I have not the heart to tell you. For me, the grief is still too near."

At this, the hobbits looked disappointed but accepting. The young elf watched as Sam began working on their beds.

"I bet they don't mention his fireworks. There should be a verse about them." he remarked

"Gandalf was known for many things." Aewneth commented, making her presence known. The Fellowship turned to her, some in relief and some in apprehension. "To the elves he was Mithrandir: a pilgrim and councillor in the darkest of times. To the dwarves he was Tharkûn: a guide who helped in the reclamation of Erebor. To the men of Arnor he was a watcher and protector, who ensured peace in our time. And to the hobbits he was an old friend, who brought stories, adventures... and fireworks."

"And who was he to you m'lady?" Merry queried, carefully.

Aeweneth's gaze caught Legolas across the pavilion. In his eyes she saw mourning, but also relief. It gave her the push to respond.

"A friend."

The hobbits nodded in understanding. Her relationship with Gandalf was greater than she could put into words - he was a father when she felt abandoned, a teacher when she struggled with control, and a friend when she had no one. Lost in her grief, she felt fingers slipping through her own and looked down to see Legolas grasping her hand in support. Their fingers intertwined, and she felt the familiar warmth blossom in her chest at his action. She squeezed his hand in support as Sam's voice rang clearly throughout the grove.

"The finest rockets ever seen,

they burst in stars of blue and green.

Or after thunder, silver showers

come falling like a rain of flowers."

Despite its shortness and bluntness, the rhyme brought a smile to her face. She continued the poem, respectfully:

"In wooden cart and garbs of grey,

his light forever guides our way.

A journey ends, a life revered:

Our friend, our guide, our Mithrandir."

Sam smiled and nodded appreciation. They both knew their words had not done the wizard justice, but the sentiment felt true. Aeweneth felt Legolas pull at her hand and she let herself be led away from the group. As they walked, she heard the mumblings of Boromir and Aragorn by the water.

"I will find no rest here." the Gondorian whispered fearfully, "I heard her voice inside my head. She spoke of my father and the fall of Gondor. She said to me, "Even now, there is hope left." But I cannot see is long since we had any hope."

Realising this was a private discussion she tuned out the conversation, choosing instead to focus on the elf guiding her to a bed at the rear of the pavilion. She noticed her bags at the foot, and realised this was set out for her. Tracing her thumb across his hand absentmindedly, she sat beside him on the comforter. He watched her and chose his next words carefully.

"What happened, Aeweneth?"

The young elf took a deep breath before delving into her explanation, "It was the only way - even Gandalf knew. I have spent so long holding it in, letting it bubble at the surface with only glimpses escaping when I lose control - it had to come pouring out sooner or later. I just chose the best time to do so..."

"Was it safe?"

"There were a thousand enemies surrounding us, and Mithrandir was gone," she recited, "it was the only option to defend the ring bearer."

"You didn't answer my question mellon nin: was it safe for you?"

Aewneth picked at the fabric of her dress, before answering nervously, "It was a risk I had to take. There was..."

"Damnit Aeweneth, don't say there was no other option, because that is a lie." Legolas interrupted, "I stood and watched as you opened the floodgates and let that power burn through you completely. You have control, or Mithrandir wouldn't have let you join us. So I don't believe for a moment that you couldn't have brought it back and stopped before it consumed you."

"There was no hope, I needed to..."

"You don't get to give up! Do you understand me? Because as I ran from that godforsaken mine and held you in my arms, I felt your fëa dimming and I could not handle that - this world could not handle that! You are too bright a light to abandon us meleth nin!" Fear and rage bloomed in Legolas's voice, "You may be blessed with the spirit of the Valar, but you are more than that. You are worth more to this world, and to me, than some meaningless weapon and you should not lower yourself to that status. Do not forget that, even without the power inside of you, you are still Aeweneth - daughter of Elrond, sister to Arwen, Elladan and Elrohir, mentor to Aragorn, friend to dwarf, man, and hobbit alike. If I have to spend the rest of this life reminding you of that, so be it."

The term of endearment went unnoticed to the young elf, too heated in his own frustration to realise it slipping out. But Aeweneth heard it clearly, her eyes widening in shock and warmth blossoming in her chest.

"And what am I to you?" She whispered, searching his face for a sign.

Her question took him aback and he paused in confusion, "To me?"

"Legolas Greenleaf, prince of the Woodland Realm, who am I to you?" She reasserted, "I am not the child you counted stars with under the trees of Rivendell and promised the world. Too much has happened, and I've had to change. So what am I to you now?"

The pair sat in silence for a moment as he thought over his response and let his sapphire gaze bore into hers. The world around them slipped away as he spoke, bringing his hand up gently and tenderly caressed her cheek.

"You're beautiful."

He let his lips brush against hers delicately, as though testing the waters. Her eyes closed in anticipation as she felt his warm breath on her skin. Taking this as acceptance, Legolas moved closer and pulled her into him, allowing centuries worth of emotion to take over. She felt his hands move tenderly through her hair, holding her like he never wanted to let go. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears as his soft lips glided slowly and carefully across her own - like she was precious and delicate. As soon as it started, it was over, and the pair found themselves face to face, panting and flushed with emotion.

"I know you aren't ready meleth nin, but I am happy to wait a millennia for you - so please don't give up hope." Legolas whispered, urgently. Aeweneth felt his breath on her cheek, and looked up to meet his gaze nervously. "So no matter what you need - time or space - I will still be here when you're ready. You don't need to ask who you are to me, Aeweneth, because the answer has, and always will be the same, no matter how much time passes or how much it changes you."

At his promise, she let go of the breath she had been holding and nodded in understanding. She kissed his cheek, gently, before taking his hand once again and leading him to the bed. The pair lay down on the soft mattress, and she allowed herself to shuffle into his embrace. Their hands clasped tightly together, they once again lay below a canopy of trees counting the stars.

"Give me time, meleth nin," Her soft voice echoed through his mind, "but know that I will always be yours."

Soon, the two fell into a comfortable solace and Aeweneth's eyes grew heavy. She let them close and fell into the alluring nothingness of sleep, feeling truly safe in herself for the first time in centuries. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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