Chapter 6 - Many Arrivals

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Thorodriel: Chapter 6 - Many Arrivals

"Where are they? They should be here by now," Aeweneth thought from her spot in the trees at the entrance to Rivendell. She had been perched there for days awaiting Arwen's return, only leaving to sleep and eat. Her father probably didn't approve and even Gandalf had told her she needed to take a break, but she didn't care. She just wanted her sister home and safe. "What's taking so long?"

She growled in frustration and slid her twin blades from their sheath. Looking at her reflection in the metal, she decided to try her ósanwe once more. It hadn't worked so far, but at least she was doing something. Aeweneth closed her eyes and in her mind tried to picture her sister, but the familiar crackling sensation never came. She wasn't surprised her focus was off. The elf knew Arwen was potentially close to the one ring, and if she was honest with herself, the idea of potentially tapping into that colossal power was terrifying. What if she tried to connect with her sister but accidentally hit Sauron instead? A cold feeling developed in the pit of her stomach.

"No." She thought to herself, "I'm not ready to be tested like that. Not just yet."

Resigned, Aeweneth put her blades away and lay back on the branch. Staring up into the cloudless sky, she thought about what else she could do. The young elf was just about to head back to the main building and express her worries to Gandalf when the sound of hooves in the distance caught her elven ears. Her sister was home, though in what state was unclear.

Aeweneth began to climb down from her post among the leaves. Just as her feet silently hit the floor, she felt it: the Ring. Its power was like a beacon. She didn't even have to look to see Arwen's horse break through the trees, she could sense her sister coming a mile off. The power of Isildur's Bane was like a dark cloud enveloping a clear blue day.

When Aeweneth did glance up, however, the sight took her aback. Sat in front of Arwen was a hobbit, the one Gandalf spoke of no doubt, but something was clearly wrong. His eyes were bottomless pits of grey and instead of rosy cheeks his complexion was pale and lifeless. It also worried Aeweneth to notice that, aside from the sickly hobbit, her sister was alone.

"What happened?" She asked in a panic, "Where's Aragorn?"

"I had to leave him behind. They were attacked by Ringwraiths!"

Aeweneth's blood went cold. The nine. So it was true, the dark times had begun. Looking at the hobbit once more, she immediately understood what had happened

"A Morgul blade?" A cold shiver went down her spine at Arwen's nod. She didn't have to be told what to do next. "Go. I'll tell him you are coming."

Her sister wasted no time, and was soon racing towards Rivendell once more. Taking a deep breath, Aeweneth closed her eyes and sought out her father in her mind.

"Ada, they have returned. Prepare the healers."


It was two whole days before the rest of the group arrived and Aeweneth had become restless once more. When Arwen first got home with Frodo the atmosphere in Rivendell quickly became tense with worry about his condition, but once he was stable the valley soon settled into its usual quiet. Again, the young elf had taken to sitting among the trees at the entrance to the city awaiting Aragorn's return. When the ranger finally turned a corner in the forest and came into view, dragging a small pony and group of hobbits behind him, she jumped down from her spot among the branches.

"Well, you took your time"

The ranger's grey eyes darted up from the floor in surprise, but soon his caution turned to comfort and a slight smirk appeared on his weather-beaten face.

"Couldn't wait to see me, eh?"

The pair laughed and were soon embracing one another as old friends, though Aragorn's face bore more age than she would have cared to see.

"It's good to see you mellon nin, though I wish the circumstances were fairer."

Looking down at the group of hobbits surrounding them, she saw the worry in their eyes. Not needing to be asked, she answered the question on all of their minds.

"Do not worry about Frodo, not even the curse of a Morgul blade would deter my father. Your friend is resting peacefully," she told them, happy to provide some relief. Slowly all the hobbits regained their composure and began to head further down the road towards Rivendell, clearly exhausted from their journey and ordeal. Aragorn was about to follow when Aeweneth grabbed his arm, causing him to pause.

"Arwen is safe too," she informed him. The look of relief on his face was all she needed to confirm her thoughts. It wasn't just a phase or an infatuation; Aragorn was truly in love with her sister. "You have a lot to explain mellon nin."

At his nod, she let go and allowed him to follow his small companions down the path.

"Falling in love with an elf...I guess he's more reckless than I ever thought." Aeweneth thought to herself in concern.


She was sitting on her bedroom balcony when her brothers knocked for the third time that evening. Apparently, the council members were arriving and Elrond expected her to join the festivities in welcoming them to Rivendell. But she couldn't focus on that right now, not when Gandalf's judgements about her sister's affair turned out to be more fact than fiction. Aeweneth had never for a moment doubted that Aragorn and Arwen's relationship was real, but had sincerely hoped it would just be a simple crush; a fleeting emotion that would pass with time. It wasn't until she saw Aragorn's eyes earlier that she realised how wrong she was. Her sister and the ranger were in love. A true, deep love that was passionate and all-encompassing. The sort of dangerous love that would force Arwen to choose mortality over family.

"Why don't you come down and just say hello?" Elladan's voice broke through her thoughts.

Aeweneth realised she had completely zoned out the start of her brother's conversation, but assumed it was the same as every other time they had come up so far.

"I'm not feeling very social right now muindor, I told you." She wiped away the tears involuntarily spilling from her eyes, "Besides, what sort of company are men and dwarfs at a time like this?"

Realising she had been crying, Elrohir quickly crossed the room towards her in worry, "Is everything okay?"

Aeweneth decided to face the music slightly and ask him the question that had been on her mind since Aragorn's arrival.

"Will she choose a mortal life for him?"

Her brothers glanced at each other, their eyes widening as they realised who she spoke of.


"Tell me the truth."

Elladan finally stepped forward, "We don't know...but they are in love, that much is clear. We believe..."

"We believe she will relinquish the chance to sail." Elrohir finished.

At this confirmation, Aeweneth's heart shattered all over again. Just as she was reunited with her sister, she felt like she was losing her once more. Was she forced to repeat this cycle of mourning her entire life? Tears spilled onto the young elf's cheeks and a sob threatened at her throat. Elladan reached over and grabbed her by the hand, squeezing it in reassurance. After a few moments, Aeweneth regained her composure and shook her head in resolution.

"If that is what they truly want, then I wish them every happiness and will aid them however I can," she concluded. "Though it hurts me to know we will lose her."

Her brothers nodded in agreement at her blunt but honest response, and soon the three siblings were embracing one another. Feelings of loss, grief, and love overcame them and they stood for a while, understanding that they would support whatever choice Arwen made.

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