Chapter 2 - Rivendell

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Thorodriel: Chapter 2 – Rivendell

Eyes to the sky, Aeweneth rode on and prayed that Gwaihir had made it in time. There was no telling who would arrive first, but she hoped that Mithrandir was safe and on his way. Although Celeb was beginning to tire, the mare knew the urgency of her rider and powered on towards Rivendell. Soon enough, the familiar smell of the valley tickled the elf's nose and the sound of water echoed in her sensitive ears. As she drew closer, the haven emerged in all its glory and a familiar nervous fluttering developed in Aeweneth's stomach.

"Well Celeb...I guess we're home."

She pushed her horse into a final gallop and headed towards Imladris, the Last Homely House.

"Here we go," she thought to herself as she eventually rode up to the gates. There he stood, waiting for her just as she always knew he would be.

"So, you have returned."

Climbing down from her saddle, Aeweneth took a moment before replying. In her time away she had grown considerably, but it didn't make facing the Lord of Rivendell any less difficult. Eventually, she met his eyes and saw in them centuries-worth of unspent emotion: love, worry, and relief all mixed together. But most significantly for Aeweneth, in the eyes of the elven Lord before her she saw regret.

"I am home Ada, but I'm afraid I do not bring good tidings."

His brow furrowed in a mixture of disappointment and confusion. Clearly, he had hoped she would return of her own accord and it hurt her to realise she had let him down once more.

"What news do you have to impart Aeweneth?"

"Is Gandalf here?" She asked, looking over his shoulders in the hope of catching a glimpse of her old friend.

"No... what's going on?"

"Shit." she thought to herself, praying once again that her aid had not come too late for the wizard. She met her father's frustrated gaze and explained:

"Mithrandir is in trouble. I sent aid and he should be arriving soon. I must speak with you."

Understanding immediately that this conversation was one to be had in private, the Lord of Rivendell stepped aside and Aeweneth passed through the grand entrance of her home for the first time in centuries.


"So, you are saying that Saruman has betrayed the White Council?"

Internally, Aeweneth screamed in frustration. They had been at this for half an hour and her father still wasn't fully understanding the situation. She cast her eyes to the sky again, hoping that Gwaihir would emerge from the clouds soon. Not only did she want to make sure the wizard was okay, but she really needed his help in clearing up some of the details.

Turning back to Elrond, she replied to his question:

"I told you, I'm not one hundred percent sure what happened. All I know is he went off to speak to the bastard ages ago and then sent me a message saying he had been betrayed, Saruman was involved, and somehow the ring of power has returned. You know what the wizard's like...always speaking in riddles."

Her father's brow furrowed again. For an immortal being, in that very moment he seemed to age greatly. Aeweneth was not surprised. If Gandalf's message was to be believed and the ring of power had returned, then the entirety of middle earth was at risk.

"Do you know when they will arrive?" he eventually asked.

"No, he has passed beyond my sight. But I know in my heart that Gwaihir will bring him home safely. He has never failed me before."

The pair sat in silence for a few moments. Aeweneth hadn't been seen this part of Imladris for centuries and, even when she called this refuge her home, she was rarely allowed to enter the White Council Chamber. It was a shame really because she truly loved it up here. She could see for miles through the huge open arches and, unlike the rest of the elven home, it didn't make her feel confined or trapped.

"I guess you will want to get settled." Her father finally concluded. "Your room is just as you left it. I can call for a bath to be poured if you like?"

She didn't want to admit it, but a bath sounded perfect right about now. She was filthy from the ride over and her joints ached in protest as she moved. The young elf nodded almost imperceptibly and whispered a quiet thanks before getting up and making her way towards the main building.

"Aeweneth," her father called out to her just as she got to the door.

Turning back to him, she saw in his eyes that pained emotion once more: regret.

"It's good to have you home."

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