Chapter 12 - The Journey Begins

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Thorodriel: Chapter 12

After a few days of walking, Aeweneth had still barely spoken to the rest of the fellowship except to offer guidance to Gandalf and Aragorn when needed. The group didn't seem to mind and appeared to accept that it would take her a little while longer to open up. The elf had always preferred her own company, and the fellowship were happy to let her scout ahead and take the lonelier watches at night. So far, she had enjoyed the journey despite knowing in her gut that it was bound to become more treacherous sooner or later. She found the hobbits, in particular, to be highly entertaining and spent her days listening to them chat about the Shire and their seemingly endless list of meals. She also felt quite comfortable around Sam who, like herself, wasn't as talkative as the rest of the group. At mealtimes, she often sat beside him as a silent and comforting presence as he cooked. Neither spoke much, but they both appreciated the company, nonetheless. Even Gimli seemed happy for Aeweneth to keep to herself, never pressing too much for a response from her. Boromir, on the other hand, consistently watched her in what could only be described as suspicion. It took a couple of days before he even let himself fall asleep on her watch and he contradicted her advice at every opportunity. Aragorn had picked up on this, showing his disproval and supporting her whenever he could.

"It frustrates me to know he does not trust you. You have more experience than most of us combined and have been my guide for so many years, and yet he cannot see past his pride." He explained after she admonished him one evening for snapping at the Gondorian.

Her relationship with Legolas had somehow turned even more confusing since leaving Rivendell. The pair hadn't spent much time together but frequently caught each other's gaze across the camp, and Aeweneth often found herself smiling at his harmless banter with Gimli. She wasn't surprised that she was enjoying his company; the pair had always felt a deep connection, after all. What did surprise her was the slight fluttering in her stomach and warmth in her heart every time she caught a glimpse of those deep sapphire eyes.

A few nights into the journey, she was disturbed from a dreamless sleep by mutterings and shuffling from across the camp. As a light sleeper, Aeweneth was easily woken by Frodo's quiet nightmares. Just as she was about to rise and nudge him out of the dream, she heard Aragorn's soothing tones bringing the young hobbit back to reality.

"Frodo," he whispered softly, so as not to wake the rest of their group. "Frodo. You are safe, mellon nin."

Aeweneth lay still and listened as the ring bearer's quiet murmuring slowed and he broke free of the nightmare. The pair did not speak for a short time, as Frodo pushed the demons from his mind and sat up.

"I cannot escape it," he eventually spoke, "even in my dreams."

Aragorn thought about his next words carefully, shifting slightly so the hobbit could move closer to their small fire.

"No, I would think not. It is a heavy burden you bear Frodo- far heavier than most could even comprehend."

The pair settled into quiet once more and Aeweneth listened as they took turns coaxing the fire with sticks.

"How long is left of your watch?" The young hobbit finally enquired.

"A couple of hours or so, and then I will wake Aeweneth for her turn." Answered the Ranger, keen to break the thick silence. "You should probably rest, mellon nin. But, if sleep alludes you, I know your company would be welcomed by us both. It is a cold night and I would be surprised to find much trouble in these parts."

The hobbit nodded, before looking to the ground hesitantly.

"I will stay until your watch is over, Strider, but I do not believe my company would be welcomed by the lady."

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