Chapter 11 - Farewell

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Thorodriel: Chapter 11

Aeweneth ran to the only place in all of Rivendell she knew to be safe and solacing. In the clearing below the darkening sky, she collapsed into the grass. Tears streaming, the young elf clutched her knees and sobbed, her shoulders shaking with the effort. Even after all these years, her father still didn't understand and the thought tore at her already fragile heart. A gentle hand touched her shoulder, and when Aeweneth looked up she met the compassionate eyes of Arwen through a cloud of tears. Biting back another sob, she looked to the ground in shame, toes curling in the grass. The Evenstar slowly ran her hands through her sister's hair, soothing her pain. For Aeweneth, the gesture was somewhat reminiscent of Celebrían and she leaned into the comforting touch.

"He doesn't understand," she explained, "even after all this time, he still doesn't understand."

Arwen sighed before gracefully lowering herself to the ground beside her sister and putting an arm around her in loving support. After some time, Aeweneth's tears slowed and her sobs lessened.

Arwen took this as a sign to speak up; "I believe he does understand. I just don't think he wants to accept it all just yet."

The dark-haired elf looked to her tearstained sister, sat rumpled and dejected among the long grass.

"I really tried this time... to explain, I mean." Aeweneth clarified, "But I think my leaving might have ruined things between us forever."

To know her sister had at least tried to mend their broken family brought Arwen hope, but even she knew their relationship could not be fully healed by a few words of repent. She sat for a few moments, watching the stars slowly appearing in the night sky and deciding on how to continue.

"He was more hurt by how you left, Aeweneth. We all were. We had come so far together and then you were just... gone." Her breath caught on the final word, choking back tears at the memory of that morning.

"No, you had all come so far," Aeweneth confessed, her voice no more than a whisper. "I was still stuck back there, never able to properly move on and constantly playing it over and over in my head. I had to get away from Rivendell- from him- just to be able to breathe again."

"And we understand that now, but even you have to admit that leaving in the middle of the night without telling anyone was stupid and selfish."

"I told Gandalf!" Aeweneth snapped, petulantly.

"Yes, but you didn't tell us!" In that moment of admonishment, Arwen looked more like Celebrían than Aeweneth could have ever imagined. Not for the first time since returning home, the young elf realised just how much she had missed of her sister's life. Arwen had matured and truly blossomed as the first lady of Rivendell.

"You sound like amil." She said, a smile playing on her lips despite the falling tears. "You've grown Arwen and I'm sorry I wasn't there to see it."

The change in conversation took Arwen aback for a moment, but she soon allowed the topic evasion after seeing the grin blooming on her sister's face.

"Yes, well so have you!" She retorted, "Back then you could barely speak to us, never mind in front of an entire room of strangers!"

Aeweneth thought back to the council meeting. What her sister said struck true, she was uncomfortable among crowds generally. And yet, she willingly stood and took her place among the fellowship. A slight feeling of pride bubbled in her chest.

"They weren't all strangers." She tried to play it off, casually. "Ada and Gandalf were there. Plus Aragorn and Legolas."

The young elf turned away on the final name, hoping her sister didn't catch the reddening of her face at the thought of the wood elf. When she looked back, however, Aeweneth noticed Arwen had not even flinched. It was clear from her face that she was, instead, focused on Aragorn. The Evenstar gazed off into the distance with worry clouding her eyes. Using her gift, only slightly, Aeweneth could see the images dancing in her sister's mind: that of death, pain, and loss. She reached out and grabbed Arwen's hand, grounding her back in reality. Soon enough, the older elf shook the darkness from her mind and Aeweneth watched as her eyes came back into focus.

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