Chapter 4 - Safe Landing

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Thorodriel: Chapter 4 - Safe Landing


Her back hit the floor for what felt like the hundredth time in the past hour. Whilst Aeweneth could keep up with her brothers and had managed to land a few blows, there was no defeating their swift and precise style. The twins had years of heavy training under their belt and, whilst she was a skilled fighter, her self-taught chaotic technique was no match for Elladan and Elrohir. Her brothers may have trained her in the basics, but Aeweneth had been left to her own devices for many years and arguably fought more like a ranger than an elf. From the ground, she held her hands up in defeat once more and was helped up by Elladan.

"You've defiantly improved" he commented.

"Yeh, who would have thought years living in the wild would have toughened you up so much, twiggy," added Elrohir.

"Twiggy?" she questioned, rubbing the growing bump on the back of her head.

"I've decided it's your new nickname."

"Why Twiggy? I don't get it."

"I think it's quite fitting" Arwen called over.

"Yeh, Erestor said you looked like you had been dragged through a bush when you first arrived" Elladan joined in, laughing.

"Oh, hardy har har." Aeweneth had been home less than a few hours and already the teasing had begun.

"Also, don't you live in a tree now?"

"Well, kind of but..."

"Like a nest?" Arwen's mouth dropped open.

"Jeez sis, we knew you and the birds got along but we never thought you wanted to actually become one!" Elladan cried.

Her three siblings were all laughing hysterically by now. Aeweneth rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out good-naturedly. She had missed this, the playful teasing that comes with family.

"Oh, very mature muinthel" they laughed.

"Shut up. You had better not actually start calling me twiggy." She warned, glaring jokingly.

"Ooh, be very scared Elrohir– she might stick one of her pigeons on you!"

Her brothers and sisters burst into laughter once more, and Aeweneth couldn't help but join in.

"Nope, but I might just catch you out when you least expect it!" she cried, launching into a new offensive with her blades. Elrohir caught on quickly and soon they were back at it, sparring gleefully. Aeweneth was just about to overpower her brother when a slight cough caught their attention. Behind them, a short distance away stood Erestor.

"Lady Aeweneth, Mithrandir has arrived and your er... friend awaits you at the gates."

She didn't have to be told twice. Quickly glancing at her siblings knowing they would understand, she mumbled her apologies and followed the elf out of the gardens.

"About time, old man." She thought to herself.


It wasn't hard to spot the Great Eagle and soon Aeweneth was overtaking her guide, overcome with the need to ensure her friends were safe. Upon seeing Gandalf standing aside the creature she was soon calmed. Whilst the old man looked tired and worn, he didn't seem too worse for wear and, at his smile, she let go of the breath she had been holding internally.

"You took you time," she thought to the wizard before hugging him tightly.

"I'm sorry, my dear. I thank you for your kind assistance once again"

Pulling away slightly she looked into his tired, dark eyes. Despite all he had been through, they still shone with hope and the young felt herself relax slightly for the first time in weeks.

"We both know that I am not the one to thank, mellon nin," Aeweneth reminded the wizard, before turning finally to the magnificent creature beside them, "You have my eternal gratitude Gwaihir. Once again you have saved my old friend here."

The Great Eagle, bathed in sunlight, towered over her and stared down, seeing straight into her very soul.

"There is no gratitude needed mellon nin, we must learn to help one another in these dark times. I believe you will require our assistance again before the end." His deep, omniscient voice echoed through her mind.

The young elf bowed deeply in reverence for the great being, knowing she was blessed to have his friendship.

"Mellon nin, you need not bow to me. In the eyes of the Valar we are equal. We are all beings of Arda and servants of the light in the dark days to come."

Aeweneth was overcome with admiration for the beautiful and fair creature in front of her, offering honour and respect. A lump formed in her throat and tears threatened at her eyes, so she limited her response to a nod and smile. This great being, sent by the gods themselves, considered her a friend and she couldn't be more grateful.

"I must leave you now, Aeweneth. I was troubled deeply by what I saw at Isengard. Its once green and fruitful land has been devastated by the white wizards magic. I wish to inform my convocation."

Aeweneth and Gandalf stepped back, giving the fair creature room to depart.

"Namárië mellon nin," smiled the young elf, putting her trust in Gwaihir and knowing he would not disappoint her, "Until we meet again."

With an awesome crack, the great eagle's glorious wings launched him into the air. Both the elf and the wizard watched as he skilfully moved through the sky, dancing gracefully among the clouds until he disappeared beyond them. The pair glanced at each other once again and Aeweneth wiped the tears from her eyes.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do mellon nin," she said, before hugging the wizard tightly once more.

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