The House Of Mammon

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The clock strikes twelve, a piss green smoke swirls in the middle of the living room slowly forming a small Portal, the jester stands there for a moment before picking up his suitcase, closing his eyes, and slowly stepping through.

The portal shrinks, evaporating into the same ugly smoke before vanishing,  along with the jester.

He opens his eyes, taking in the sight of another living room, green leather couch and matching curtains, yellow stain glass windows, expensive decor all around.

He stands for a moment, confused, why was he in mammon's house?

A slimey voice calls out, interrupting his thoughts.

"Well hello! And welcome, to the house of Mammon!" 

Fizzarolli turns and sees mammon standing behind him with his arms folded across his chest, fizz jumps a little but ultimately is not very surprised.

"Oh wow, it's uglier than I thought it'd be!" Fizzarolli cackles, trying not to show his nervousness.

Mammon smiles, and takes a step towards fizzarolli

"Oh! My how I missed that charm!" He cackles sarcastically, reaching out and grabbing fizzarollis face, squeezing his cheek hard.

"But unfortunately, you are going to have to make up for lost time, And I always say, time is money! So best get to work right away!"

He lets go of fizzarollis face and instead grabs him by his shoulders, turning him to face the couch.
"I believe we should discuss the best way for you to get as much money as possible, as quickly as possible!"

He shoves fizzarolli onto the couch and sits across from him in a dark green armchair, he folds his arms in his lap and looks at fizz.

"Okay? Am I not just going to do what I always do?" Fizzarolli spoke

Mammon laughs again, a creepy and scratchy sound. "Oh no! I have a few other ideas!"

"That are?" Fizz asks, trying to sound more annoyed than anxious

"I've seen just how, hm, how shall I word it? Oh, hot and bothered you get your fans! And it gave me an idea!"

Fizzarolli stood up quickly shaking his head left and right "Oh no fuckin' way shithead! Absolutely not!"

Mammon giggled and shook his head "oh, don't get ahead of yourself! Nobody wants you enough to pay anything for your body!"

Fizzarolli couldn't tell if that was a good or bad thing but at the moment he didn't really care.

"Then what are you thinking?" He sat back down

"I was thinking about making a way for everyone to have a piece of you!" 

"That is? Seriously just spit it the fuck out" fizzarolli grumbled.

"F.P.C.A.I.D! Or for the long name, Fizzarolli Personal Companion Artificial Intelligent Devices!"
Mammon practically shouted, seeming quite proud of his idea.

Fizzarolli blinked, sex dolls, of himself? The concept was...odd, how mammon came up with the idea left unthought about.

"Okay...but what do you need me for?"
He spoke again

"Well obviously if the robots are designed after you and behave similarly to you then you must be apart of creating them! You'll teach the robots tricks and to sound like you and such!" 

"I guess that makes sense, but are ya really gonna spend the money to make em?" 

Mammon paused for a moment as if he hadn't thought about that, then smiled even wider, if that was even possible.

"We're going to deal with that later!"

"Okay? Hey, Where am I gonna sleep?" Fizzarolli tilted his head

Mammon stood up and grabbed fizzarolli by the shoulders again

"Well I suppose our little talk is over then! You should be on your way!"

He started pushing fizzarolli over towards the door, still speaking

Fizzarolli tried grabbing for his suitcase that he had set down by the couch, stretching his arms past mammon and snatching it just before mammon tossed him outside

"Toodles!" He shouted, before slamming the door in fizzarollis face.

Fizz stood there for a moment, thinking about where to go, when he heard a loud crack of thunder and it started to pour.

"Mother of fuck nuggets!" He growled, kicking a rock out of his way as he began walking out of mammon's weird expensive driveway to whatever was down the road, maybe a hotel or something for the night if he was lucky.

Too top it off, his phone wouldn't stop ringing and each time it was Asmodeus, and each time he ignored it.

Eventually the constant ringing got annoying, he stopped walking briefly to grab his phone out of his pocket, clicking on Asmodeus contact he hesitated for a moment before he pressed the block button.

And then he walked in silence, the only sounds being the rain and the way his teeth chattered from the cold.

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