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"so uh, yeah that's pretty much it."
Fizzarollis spoke a little bit too loudly.

By now he had shrugged the blanket off his shoulders and allowed it to lay loosely around his waist, he wasn't as cold anymore, especially since Asmodeus was currently cuddling him like he was a lost kitten or something.

"I see, well, now comes the hard part" said Ozzie, looking down into fizzarollis eyes, He moved to set fizzarolli back upon his desk and wrap the blanket back around him.

Fizzarolli hid his disappointment at this action and tilted his head to the side in confusion "you're saying this shits gonna get worse? I've already sold my fucking soul to the most obnoxious clown I've ever met, and I've met a lot of clowns."

Asmodeus chuckled "I mean figuring out a way to get mammon to set you free of his contract."

Fizzarolli couldn't help it, he laughed, he laughed so hard he fell onto his side, a loud and obnoxious laugh that most people would take as being rude.

Asmodeus however thought it was unfortunate, that the jester was so used to being trapped that the idea of freedom was humorous. 

He sighed and leaned onto his desk setting his face in his hands that were on either side of fizz, the host of his club abruptly stopped laughing, small giggles now, his face tinting a slight pink.

"I'm serious, little jester" Ozzie said, twirling one of the bells on fizzarollis hat as he spoke.

Fizzarolli ceaced the small fit of giggles completely now, his facial expression not completely readable.

"Is there anything you're aware of him wanting? Other than yourself"
Ozzie asked

"Money, But that's not going to work." Fizzarolli stated, before pausing and thinking for a moment.

"Actually, he was talking about some weird robots he wants to make." He said


"Yeah, I think he said he wanted them to look like me too." Fizzarolli spoke, obviously creeped out.

Ozzie hummed in thought "anything else?"

Fizzarolli shook his head, the bells on his hat jingling.

"I can work with this, I'll come up with something, trust me." Ozzie said, sitting up.

Trust. The word left fizzarolli with a bad taste in his mouth, he had trusted blitzo, he had trusted mammon, and look where that had gotten him.

Their conversation was interrupted by a low beeping sound, they both glanced over to where it was coming from.

The small heart shaped lights on Fizzarollis feet were blinking, indicating that they were fully charged, fizz hopped down from the desk and unplugged the wires attached to his legs and arms, he stretched as though he had just woken up from a stiff slumber.

"Ah! That's so much better!" He breathed, pacing around the room a few times.

"I'm glad your prothesis have fully charged, but I don't think it'd be wise for you to return to your home alone incase mammon realizes you aren't in greed."
Ozzie said

Fizzarolli stopped "you've got a fair enough point, but I'm tired."

"I could send someone to stay with you for the night, or you could rest here." Ozzie offered, gesturing to the red velvety love seat in the corner of the room.

Fizz glanced at it, thinking for a moment, he shrugged. "Yeah, alright"

He walked over to the loveseat and collapsed into it's soft material, curling up into a ball with the blanket so small you almost couldn't see him.

"Rest well, fizzy" Ozzie said from his spot at his desk as he opened a drawer, probably going to do some paperwork or something.

"M'hm" fizz mumbled, already falling into the comforting darkness of sleep.

[611 words]

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