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Ozzie's club was closed, it was empty and lifeless, it almost appeared abandoned, but appearance's could be very deciving, seeing as it was early morning and most demons in the lust ring had a preference to be out and about at night.

The workers had all gone home to rest for the time being, though Asmodeus was infact still in his office, and he was not alone.

The lounges Jester, it's host and star comedic performer was sitting atop his desk wrapped in a blanket, his legs cables attached and charging.

The jester sighed and closed his eyes, he had a horrible migraine and the big blue guy that ran the place was bombarding him with so many questions and concerns he couldn't even count.

"I just don't understand! What's going on with you? Please talk to me!"

Fizzarolli was starting to regret his decision, but there was no going back now so he might as well just get it over with.

"Ju-just, shit Ozzie calm the fuck down! What are you, interrogating me?" He spoke louder than he had ment to,he opened his eyes and looked at Asmodeus.

Ozzie seemed to deflate a little bit, sighing he sat down in the chair behind his desk. "Alright, I'm calm, will you please explain what's going on with you now?"

Fizzarolli hugged the blanket closer to his body and looked away from Asmodeus. "I'm not sure we have enough time for that"

Asmodeus looked tired, and fizzarolli was sure he would only be annoyed with him if he found out that he was still trying to pay off his debt to mammon.

"We have until you legs charge at the very least, and that will take some time seeing as you've strained them and haven't been resting at all lately." Asmodeus said, moving forward to rest his arms on either side of fizz.

Fizzarolli glanced at him for a moment but then looked down "it's a long story, and it's not very sexy" he mumbled.

"That's alright, it doesn't have to be, would you mind if I held you while you talk?" Asmodeus questioned in a voice that was gentle yet not condescending.

Fizzarolli blinked, if it weren't for his make up you would be able to see his cheeks gain a pink tint. "Yeah, whatever" he spoke in a tone that indicated he didn't care yet the way his tail wagged behind him gave him away quite easily.

Ozzie looked a little less distressed and a little bit more hopeful, he leaned back in his chair, taking fizzarolli with him and adjusting the way he was sitting so that they were both comfortable.

Fizzarolli could feel the way Ozzie's chest rose and fell with his breathing, and he felt himself relax a little bit, he tried to keep his tail from swaying side to side but it was a useless struggle.

"Alright, uh, I'm not sure where I'm meant to begin..." Fizz spoke

"How about, the reason you went to greed?" Ozzie said, trying to be helpful

"I mean that's more of a domino effect from a lot of other stuff but It works" fizzarolli shrugged

Ozzie gave a small smile, and fizz buried his head into his blanket, taking a deep breath, He looked back up a Ozzie.

"Alright, hold onto your dick buddy, it's a long fucking story"

[576 words]

[Sorry this chapter is so short! The next one will be longer!]

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