Open Eyed

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[ Sup dudes! I still think that it's crazy I've aged twice since I started writing this. I hope my writing has improved. And, I'm back with another chapter.  Did anyone enjoy that small cliffhanger? :)

Once again, medical inaccuracies and small gore! ]

A loud crash echos throughout the room as a potted plant is thrown into the nearest wall and smashed to bits upon impact. An imp ducks his head down as a small expensive statue is thrown towards him, just barely grazing one of his horns. He muffles a shriek of fear.
A fool i$ what he think$ of me-” The loud voice booms. “But he i$ the fool, for he doe$ not know what he ha$ $tarted!”

The sin of greed was doubled over on his desk. Letting out pained groan as he straightens up to reveal his face that is smeared with thick blood; Some half dried, some fresh and dripping down his face from the gaping wound where his right eye once was.

In hand, held tightly and dappled with blood, a small white envelope.

Mammon gives a small cackle, that grows in volume for only a moment before he goes silent. “Lucifer him$elf will certainly under$tand why i might be a tad...up$et about my dear brother tre$pa$$ing into my beloved ring and behaving $o traitorou$ly. Over an imp of all thing$.”

The imp cowers. “Yes sir, I-i will deliver the letter r-right away, sir!” The poor thing squeaks, eyes darting around in search of an exit should his king want something alive to take out his anger upon. 

“NO! I can do it my$elf, How dare you a$$ume I am incapable!” With a flick of his finger, a small portal opened and the letter dropped through. It would find it's way to Lucifer. The kings screech could be heard all throughout the building. But not as clearly as the imps screams as he desperately tried to escape his lords wrath. To no avail.

It seemed as though there were thousands of demons all shoved together into the same small room. Only more and more nurses and doctors flooded through the door, through the suffocating waves of panic Barbie managed to feel for her brothers arm, and grabbing his hand tightly she pulled him towards the door with her.

They had to get out of the room if Fizzarolli would get to have a chance! She knew, and she didn't want her brother to have to see someone he knew die. Never again.

The loud sounds of various beeping and screeching of machines and panicking voices of doctors shouting orders to one another hurt her ears. Out of the corner of her eye she sees one grabbing onto a defibrillator.

Asmodeus stood so still she thought perhaps he had turned himself to stone from distress. But quickly noticed as an imp doctor spoke to him. Gently assuring that they'd do everything they could and that he needed to say out of the way; for Fizzarolli.

Slowly, he steps backward. Glancing from the door to the bed where Fizzarolli should be, struggling to catch a glimpse of him through the multiple doctors. Eventually he's lightly nudged out of the room by some nurses.

Barbie squeezes out directly behind him, making sure her brother is out in front of her. Turning back in time to see the door shut in her face.

Suddenly, she finds that the silence is worse than the chaotic noise.

She turns to face Asmodeus, who is already on his knees. Pure devastation evident on his face. Her eyes are torn from the sin when she hears her brothers light sob, she rushes over to him and pulls him into a hug. What has happened in the time that I thought you were dead? She wants to ask. But doesn't.

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