The Date

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Dashing from his bedroom to the living room fizzarolli let out a string of curses, of course he loses his jester's cap when he actually needs it most.

He's got 10 minutes until Ozzie arrives to pick him up for their date, he almost couldn't believe it, he was going on a date with Asmodeus!

Tossing pillows from their spots on the couch onto the floor, checking under the cushions just in case, he'd searched his entire bedroom already, and the bathroom, he had even looked in the fridge!

Whatever, he'd find his hat after he was actually done getting ready.

Groaning, he hurriedly slid into his seat at his vanity, he was wasting time looking for that one specific hat when he had others that would have to work.

Absentmindedly smearing white foundation onto his face he thought about which jester's cap to wear, or if he should pick something else instead.

His thoughts were interrupted by his phones familiar sound, he snatches his phone and reads the message, oh shit, Ozzies early!

Adding the finishing touches to his makeup, including some light blue eyeshadow to match the blouse with frilly sleeves he had picked out, he stuffed his phone into his pocket and rushed back to his closet, quickly scanning for something that would match.

Aha! He spots his black and white fools cap, he wastes no time grabbing it and putting it on, it wasn't his usual hat, but it still looked nice.

His phone beeps in his pocket, oh right, Ozzie is here!

He practically runs to the door, opening it so fast a few of Ozzies feathers shudder from the air.

Fizzarolli is temporarily stunned upon seeing Ozzie, he knew the king liked to dress up, but damn does he look good!

Asmodeus waves his hand, tilted head and smiling at fizz, he's wearing a short sleeveless black dress with large hoop earrings.

"Hi!" Fizzarolli says a bit louder than he meant too.

Ozzie chuckles and outstretches his hand towards fizzarolli, "you ready to go?" He asks.

Fizz glances from Ozzie to his hand, before taking it in his own, the hight difference making them look slightly funny.

"That depends, where exactly are we going?" He responds.

Ozzie starts walking, leading them to the limo parked outside.

"I'm taking you to one of Beelzebub and i's favorite restaurants!"

"Like, in the gluttony ring?"

Ozzie nods his head, stopping to open the limo door.

Fizzarolli steps into the limo, taking his seat as Ozzie also gets in and shuts the door.

A moment passes before ozzie reaches toward a small drawer, opening it to reveal a bottle of champagne resting in some ice. He grabs the bottle out, shutting the drawer with his foot then waves his hand and a small glass appears out of thin air, he smiles and pours himself some.

"Champagne?" He speaks, gesturing the glass towards fizzarolli.

Fizzarolli cocks his head to the side. "Trying to get me drunk before we even get there huh?"

Ozzie chuckles, before taking a sip from his glass.

The ride to the hellevator doesn't take as long as fizzarolli would've guessed, and when they get there he's quite surprised, he knew the hellevator was big but he had only seen it once before, he hardly even noticed when the limo was parked inside of it until a voice anounced that they were departing from lust, and started moving.

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