A Long Fucking Story II

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[I am no longer trying to follow canon, it's an au at this point]

"The King is going to arrive tomorrow!!!"
A teenaged blitzo shouted at fizzarolli, he was bouncing with joy.

The two were in fizzarollis trailer, well technically it was his mothers trailer but she was never really around. More specifically they were in fizzarollis bedroom sitting on the dusty old mattress fizzarolli called a bed.

The old cracked window just above his bed let the deep green moonlight shine across the room, bathing the room in a nightly glow.

Fizzarolli chuckled "I'll be a liar if I say I'm not shaking with excitement!"

"We need to think of a good act that'll catch his attention!" Blitzo says, standing up and spinning around a few times.

"I dunno blitzo, I mean, you can definitely perform but I don't think I stand a chance." Fizzarolli spoke with a small smile on his face, but his tone of voice gave away his slight heartbreak.

Blitzo stopped for a moment, sitting down next to fizz "what do you mean? Why can't you tell your jokes?"

"I can tell my jokes sure, but mammon is looking for performers not comedians"

"I think with your jokes and my performing combined, we'd be a perfect duo for him to pick!" Blitzo says


"Fuck yeah!"

The next morning, the two imps could be found with the horses, fizzarolli was filling water buckets for them to drink out of and blitzo was makings sure each horse had a proper amount of carrots and wheat and all the other shit horses eat.

"I can't believe this is actually happening!" Blitzo says as he feeds buttermilk the horse an apple

"It almost doesn't feel real" fizzarolli giggled, he turned and shut the hose off before picking up a water filled bucket to carry to the horses pen.

Suddenly, their was a shout and someone came running around the corner of the horses pen, they slammed into fizzarolli causing him to fall backwards and dump the bucket of water all over blitzo.

"Ah! Motherfucker!"

"Shit! Blitzo I'm sorry!"

The demon who caused all of this shouted again "king mammon is here!! He's here!!" While Still running away

"Watch where you're running bozo!" Blitzo shouted before he realized what the bozo demon was shouting.

"Blitzo! Did you hear that shit?!" Fizzarolli shouted

"Um, fuck yeah!" Blitzos eyes lit up

Both of the imps turned and ran in the direction the other demon had come from, making a sharp turn blitzo slammed into something, or someone.

"Hey! Watch it bitch!" Blitzo shouted, not Knowing who he was talking too, fizzarolli just stared in shock, not sure what to do.

Blitzo opened his eyes and slowly but surely, he looked up.

"K-king mammon! H-hi!" He stuttered nervously, backing up slowly.

King mammon slowly looked down, he never seemed to stop smiling, or even blink.

He was quiet for a moment, simply staring at blitzo.

"Hmm, well I suppose I'll let it slide just this once, seeing as you had your eyes closed, and you're a bit too pathetic to kill." He spoke before quickly turning on his heel and walking away.

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