A Long Fucking Story

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"C'mon fizz! It'll be great and the crowd will love it!" Blitzos annoyed voice called out to fizzarolli, who was walking away rather quickly.

"No! Blitzo!" Fizzarolli shouted over his shoulder at the imp behind him, blitzø reached out and grabbed his shoulder.

"But it'll look so cool!!" He whined, fizzarolli glared at him

"It sounds dangerous as fuck! I mean, what if something goes wrong?"

Blitzo shrugged, waving his hand in a dismissive motion. "nah! Nothing could go wrong! You're always so nervous about everything!"

"I don't like this idea." Fizz grumbled, turning to face blitzo.

"You don't like most things" blitzo chuckles "I promise everything will be fine!"

"Fine, but you'd better catch me! Usually I catch you, and I don't fully trust that you know what you're doing." Fizzarolli gave in, it was just easier to let blitzo have his way.

Blitzo smiles, clearly excited about his poorly constructed circus act being accepted by his friend.
"See! I knew you would understand! And I promise I will most definitely catch you!" Blitzo pulled fizzarolli into a side hug, nuzzling his face into fizzarollis.

A few hours later, fizzarolli found himself in the circus tent, a good 20 feet in the air, on the platform across from blitzos, the plan was that blitzo would swing down, do a few flips and then catch himself on a swing hung up in the middle of the tent, then fizzarolli would do a backflip off of his platform and blitzo would swing over, catch him, and then blitzo would land on the ground in a handstand, and fizzarolli would land on top of him right side up.

Simple enough.

Fizzarolli stood there, waiting for blitzos cue, blitzo waved his arms and then launched himself off of the platform, doing a few front flips on his way down, he quickly recovered and latched onto the swing in time so that he wouldn't fall.

That was it, fizz turned and backflipped off the edge of his platform, out of the corner of his eye he could see blitzo swinging towards him, arms outstretched, fizz reached out to grab blitzos hands, blitzo would catch him now, he had promised.

Blitzo did not fucking catch him, it took fizzarolli a moment to realize that he was falling, blitzo watched as fizzarolli fell 20 feet to the ground at an alarming speed, Fizzarolli cursed whoever had spent the circus last money on horses and not a safety net, blitzo heard the bones in fizzarollis legs shatter, fizzarolli couldn't breath through the pain, blitzo did not enjoy the way the crowd laughed with cruelty as fizzarolli screamed in agony. Fizzarolli very much did not enjoy his legs being completely and utterly demolished.

Fizzarolli couldn't remember when he had passed out, but he was thankful for it.

Fizzarolli had woken up in the hospital, his legs were bandaged and there were IVs in his arms, blitzo was sat in a hospital chair next to his bed.

"Oh fuck! What the fuck!?" Fizz slurred his words, high on anesthesia.

"Fizzarolli! Shit it's okay! I'm right here! I'm so fucking sorry!" Blitzo spoke quickly in a panic, He looked as though he had been crying.

"What the fuck?! Blitzo? The fuck!" Fizzarolli was confused and angry and in so so much pain.

"The fuck am I?! The fuck happened?!"
Fizz said, glancing around.

"You're in the hospital!" Blitzos voice held guilt

"Well I can see that! But what the fuck happened?"

Blitzo looked away from fizzarolli, he sighed and spoke. "I didn't exactly catch you.."

Fizzarollis grip on the hospital blanket tightened, he slowly looked up at blitzo.

"You... fucking...WHAT?!!?" he screamed, launching himself at blitzo, he grabbed him by his shirt collar.

"You fucking idiot! I fucking told you that was a bad idea! I told you I didn't want to do it!  This is all your fault!" Fizz screeched into blitzos face.

"I know! I know! Damnit! I'm sorry! The doctor said you might be okay though!" Blitzo pleaded, but he had only made it worse.

"MIGHT?!?!?!?!" Fizz somehow screamed even louder.

Blitzo winced "It was an accident!"

Fizz let go of blitzo and leaned back in the hospital bed, he took a deep breath.
"Okay, what else did the doctor say?"

"He said that uh...its not that bad and they did some surgery" blitzo smiled nervously
"also...you have to rest or it won't heal right and that could...lead to chronic pain" fizzarolli glared at him
"but that there's a 40% chance you could still perform...so uh..."

"So..I might not be able to perform ever again? Like..my legs are permanently damaged from the knees down?!" Fizzarolli spoke quietly, staring off into the wall.

Blitzo went quiet, far too quiet.
"Blitzo? Answer me." Fizzarolli whispered, looking towards him now.

"Im sorry fizz..."

A few weeks passed, fizzarolli was discharged from the hospital and had gone back to the trailer park where the circus was located with blitzo, he was still able to walk but most days it was painful, like constantly walking on two sprained ankles.

He didn't perform or do trapeze nearly as much as before, mostly doing comedy acts or working at the hotdog stands.

He and blitzo didn't stop hanging out, they remained friends, blitzo was sorry and it had been an accident, fizzarolli was understanding.

Things were mostly normal for a good while, but blitzo wanted more and fizzarolli could agree, though he didn't really believe that there was anything much better to come for them he didn't want to crush blitzos dreams.

Then, the ringmaster had gathered the performers together after a show, including blitzo, to inform them of new that he had deemed important.

He stood in front of the circus entrance, smile splitting his face nearly in half. "the one and only, king mammon himself will be visiting a few small circuses around the greed ring to see if he can find new young aspiring stars with true talent!!" He had shouted out the all the performers.

Fizzarolli had felt as if his heart would explode, Perhaps blitzos dream could come true after all.

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