The Moment You've All Been Waiting For

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The portal vanished just as quickly as it had appeared, leaving Fizzarolli and Asmodeus alone together in his office, fizzarolli wasn't sure weather he should scream, cry, or vomit. But he would probably do all of them tonight, in that order.

Somehow keeping his composure, he jumped down from Ozzies hand, making sure to avoid eye contact, he stumbled for a slim second trying to get to the door as quickly as possible, not bothering to grab his chargers for his prothesis.

"Welp, th-thanks so much for the help! I really mean it!" Fizzarolli spoke, voice cracking.

"But I'm pretty sure I left my air fryer on when I left for greed so I should probably make sure my apartment hasn't burnt down!"

He avoided looking at Asmodeus, he couldn't handle the look he was sure he was being given, he knew Asmodeus didn't have a problem with imps, he did however, have a problem with those who lied to him. And then of course there was that last little word mammon just had to say.

Just as he reached the door he felt a hand rest on his shoulder, his entire body tensed, 'oh shit', obviously he hadn't expected to outrun Asmodeus, but he had thought he could at the very least get a headstart.

His heart hammered in his chest, his hands started to shake, 'is this what it's like to have a heart attack?' he thought.

"Fizzarolli?" Asmodeus said, breaking the silence, Fizzarolli didn't dare turn around.

"Are you alright?" Asmodeus asks again, removing his hand, fizzarolli tries to remember how to breathe.

"What?" He replies, turning around slowly, not looking at Asmodeus.

"I said, are you alright?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

Asmodeus looks concerned, aswell as surprised, the sort of facial expression one would make if they had heard a cat bark.

"Y-you seem, unwell" Asmodeus starts, seeming as though he's not sure what too say.

"I'm all good big guy!"

"Are you really an imp?" Asmodeus asks, he looks nervous.

Straight to the point. Fizz thinks, not caught off guard but still unhappy with this conversation.

"I- well, uh-" he takes a step back, Asmodeus wouldn't be cruel to him for being an imp, yet it was hard to admit because he had basically been lying to him by hiding it.

"Yeah, i-i am" he mumbled his response, eyes avoiding Asmodeus.

Ozzie seems to relax a bit at hearing this, fizzarolli does not.

"But, why did you choose to, well, hide it?"

Fizzarolli would have laughed at this question if he wasn't currently doing everything he could to hold himself together.

"I-i, well I mean it's not super great for business, you know? Imps aren't as... desirable, as other demons"

"That is not true, lust is for all demons!"
Ozzie stated, sounding mildly annoyed.

'He's mad at me I just know it' Fizzarolli thought, he nodded in agreement.

"I know! I know! But not all demons like imps."

"I'm aware of that, but those demons are immature."

Fizzarolli finally looked up at him, he didn't look angry.

"Yeah, I'm aware, but anyways I still should really make sure my apartment is okay" he tried to change the subject, he turned towards the door again but Asmodeus interrupted him.

"Do you know why mammon called you my lover?"

Fizzarolli froze, oh yeah, that.

"I-i no, I mean he was probably just making fun of you" or me.

Asmodeus thought for a moment, then responded.

"Hm, well it's awfully rude to make fun of someone for who they love."

"Huh? I thought you hated love?"

Asmodeus looked at fizzarolli as though he had just broken into his home and taken a shit in his cereal.
"What?! No! I don't hate love, there's just a time and place for it" he exclaimed

"Oh, right"
'wait a fucking minute'

Fizzarollis heart skipped a beat

"Say that again?" Fizz said, louder than he meant too.

"Say what again?" Asmodeus spoke

"Th-the thing about mammon"

"I said, it's rude to make fun of someone for who they love." Ozzie stated again, looking more nervous than he was before.

Fizzarolli is slightly stunned, surely he's taking that the wrong way, Ozzie doesn't love him, right?

"Are you...saying you lo-love me?" Fizzarolli mumbles out

Asmodeus looks nervous, he goes quiet for a minute, then responds.

"What would you do If I said yes?"

He asks, his tone of voice indicating his nervousness.

Fizzarolli feels his face warm a bright red color, mostly concealed by his makeup, absolutely no way was any of this real, he must still be dreaming!

"I-id tell you to prove it!"

Asmodeus takes a step closer to him
"How?" He asks, a light blush tinting his face.

Fizzarolli thought for a moment, then responded in a slightly challenging tone.
"Take me out on a totally sappy romantic date!" 


"Tomorrow night at 7!"
The imp shouts, before quickly dashing out the door and away.

Leaving the king of lust to giggle to himself like a lovestruck teenager.

[848 words]

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