The Dead

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[ First off, I think it's crazy that I've been working on this fic for a full YEAR!!! Second, I have nothing to say for myself except for I have been busy and stuff but uhhh chapter is here so yay!

Once again, medical inaccuracies lmao ]

Rain pitterd and patterd on the window. beating down hard on the pavement outside. She was sat on the peeling leather couch, mindlessly scrolling through her phone.

A notification rings out. Some shit news alert probably, rather than something actually important and worth her time. Yet, she clicks on it anyways, out of curiosity.

And since she almost thinks she recognizes the face in the small picture.

No, couldn't possibly be him.
He's...he's dead.

Yet, upon further inspection, clicking the link and veiwing the video, –that had no audio for some strange reason– she started to wonder if maybe...

Maybe her father lied to her.

Then, she notices the name, a name not so commonly spoken in the sloth ring.

A name she would recognize anywhere.

Her eyes widen, shocked thoughts swirling through her mind. Her father had lied to her about Fizzarolli being dead.

Yet now, it may not be a lie anymore.

Phone dropping to the floor, clattering as the video plays over and over, a sick sort of gif playing her childhood friend being shot over and over.

And her brother.

Hands shaking, she takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself to no avail. Of course father lied; he never was a good man.

But why?

“Fuck it,” she mumbles to herself. Forcing herself up and snatching her phone from the ground, aswell as her keys, she shoves open the shitty apartment door, it slams into the wall but she ignores the shout from her neighbor and continues for her car.

She just had to go to the hospital to see that it wasn't them, Just two very strange lookalikes. That it was grief fucking with her. Then she'd get her shit together.

Just outside the hospital, shouting can be heard. “Come on! Just let me into the waiting room, at least.” He pleaded with the hellhound. Carmen, once again, rolls their eyes. “Has anyone ever told you how annoying you are?”

“Yeah, actually. My dad! Every single day for however the fuck long I lived with the bastard.” The imp chuckles before switching back to desperation. “No, seriously! I'm really trying to make up for some shit here.” Blitzø is flailing his arms. “I'm not going to let you force me into making the same mistake I did last time!” He announces.

The hellhound sighs. “Sorry, but no way I can let you in, I will not be defying a request from Lord Asmodeus, himself.”

In the silence of his now empty feeling mansion Asmodeus peels off his bloody gloves, tossing them in the nearest trash bin. He makes his way to the sink and rinses the remaining specks of blood from his face and arms.

He sighs, knowing he has made a great mistake. Not that he regrets what he has done, not at all. He'd do it again in a heartbeat. But, he knows Mammon, and the greed sin is very much going to complain about this event to Lucifer.

Asmodeus shivers. Explaining why he took a portal to the greed ring just to tear his brothers eye out doesn't seem very appealing. Especially with Fizzarolli's safety in mind.

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