An Eye For An Eye

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[ I'm back from the dead! I actually wrote this yesterday but my phone crashed and I lost EVERYTHING so here's the rewrite.

TW for violence/slight gore and also medical inaccuracies Because I ain't no fuckin doctor (sorry mom) ]

Some machinery beeps erratically, loud enough for Asmodeus to hear over the chaos of panicking demons and the squeaky wheels of the gurney. He swears he's never openly displayed such distress, but at the current moment it's the least of his worries.

The bundle of nurses and doctors surounding fizzarolli make a sharp turn towards a room labeled, O.R. Asmodeus tries to follow but a short imp steps in front of him. "Sir Asmodeus! I am sorry but he needs emergency surgery and we cannot allow you to enter."

All three of Asmodeus's faces express great concern. But he nods his head and watches through tears as fizzarolli is taken away. I can't lose him!

He's been sitting outside the operating room for a few hours. Suddenly he hears yelling. Wondering what the commotion is, he heads towards it.

An imp, no. That imp. Is fighting with a security guard. "No. I am telling you I'm allowed to be here!" The hellhound gaurd rolls their eyes. "I saved that stupid fucks life!"

They push the imp to the ground and starts to place handcuffs on him. "Hey now, at least take me to dinner first!" The imp says while provocatively batting his eyelashes.

The hellhound mumbles something about not being paid enough to deal with this shit. "Sir, I will say this again, if you keep resisting I will be forced to take you to the police station."

The imp starts to protest but Asmodeus steps in, "excuse me? What's going on over here?" He glances from the gaurd to the imp. "This imp won't stop harassing nurses and trying to enter the operating room. He also kicked someone's grandma." The hound explains.

"Hey now that asshole deserved it!" The imp sneers. Ozzie looks at him. "you must be blitzo."

"The 'o' is silent, bitch!"

Ozzie chuckles. "Carmen could you please take him somewhere else?" Carmen nods, grabbing blitzø by his cuffed hands and dragging him away while he screams incoherently.

Ozzie sighs, taking off his hat and starting to follow carmen and blitzø towards the waiting area but is quickly stopped when a succubus shouts out to him. "King Asmodeus, Mr. Fizzarolli is out of surgery!" His head snaps around, immediately rushing over to her.

"Is he alright?!" He asks. The succubus looks away from him. "Yes, but you should speak to Dr. Martinez." Ozzie's eyes grown in worry.

He follows her down the hall, she eventually stops outside of a room. She turns to him and tells him to please wait there before leaving.

A few minutes pass and a tall imp walks up to Asmodeus, she's got a grim look on her face and is looking at her clipboard.

"Asmodeus?" She speaks, not looking at him. "Yes? Is he okay?" He asks. She sighs, adjusting her thick glasses. "Well, the surgery went okay. But there's some bad news."

By now his hands are shaking, his ram head is nearly in tears. "What?"

She finally looks up at him. "Luckily we were able to find all remaining bullet peices, and the bullet ricocheted off of his skull so there doesn't appear to be any brain damage." She trails off.

Asmodeus looks at her, gripping his hat so tightly it may rip.

"We did everything we could. but there was no possible way to salvage his left eye."

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