1. all eyes on me

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"Do you want me to drop you off down the road so you don't have to worry about me embarrassing you?"

"Actually, if you could make a grand show of dropping me off, I think it might improve my social status."

"Let's test it out." I drove into the busily bleak parking lot of Hawkins Middle, headed for the poorly marked student drop-off lane. Dustin got out of the front seat as I unlocked the trunk for him to drag his bike out of the back of my car.

"Bye Georgie!" Dustin called back over his shoulder.

"Bye Dustin!" I called back, dramatically drawn out, I yelled, "I love you!" I watched him roll his eyes before running off with his friends. I waved one last time before slowly peeling out of the lot and heading off in the direction of Hawkins High. As the radio hummed, shuffling through the top hits of the week, I bopped my head along, running through the list of things I had going on today; track practice, tutoring, take Mews to the vet.

"Not too bad." I murmured, drumming my fingers on the steering wheel. Pulling into the student lot, I parked next to Steve's car. He and I threw ridiculous faces at each other through the window as I shut off the ignition. Lightly, I tap him with my door, to which he dramatically fell back into his car, crying out.

"I'm hit!"

"Never let them know your next move, Harrington." I teased as he slung his arm over my shoulders. As we walk towards the front doors, Tommy H. And Carol suddenly materialized.

"Morning." I drew out slowly, dramatically.

"Morning Sunshine, how's it hanging?" Tommy asked, ruffling my hair. I shrugged, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I was up late helping Dustin put together ideas for a new Dungeons and Dragons campaign the gang had going on. It was tedious work and we almost finished until mom told us to go to bed when the clock rolled around towards 2.

"It's hanging." I replied as we walked in the double doors.

"Oh you'd know wouldn't you?" Steve teased, bumping my shoulder. I rolled my eyes, pushing back.

"You wish."

"You wish I wished." He fired back. I laughed, my head falling back.

"I don't think that's grammatically correct, Steven." He stared at me with his infamous grin, lopsided and charming.

"You're the brains of the operation."

I waved him off, "please. I gotta run, Click's gonna kill me if I'm late again. See you for lunch?" I asked the general group. Tommy ruffled my hair again while Carol blew me air kisses. Steve stuck out his hand in preparation for the elaborate handshake we made up when we were 10. Like completing a ritual, we only parted ways when it was done and we waved bye.

Walking into Mrs. Click's class on a bright and sunny day at 8 in the morning was the last thing I wanted to do. Sincerely. But nonetheless, I walked into her class, greeting her like I did every day.

"Morning, Mrs. Click." I'd say with a tip of my imaginary hat.

"Georgie." She grumbled back without looking up from the daily crossword. It was a greeting that happened every morning since the start of the year. I took my seat promptly located in the middle of the room. Popping my glasses on and pulling out the beaten up notebook from my bag, I fidgeted in my seat, waiting for the bell to ring. Growing antsy, I shuffled around until Mrs. Click glared at me for the incessant creaking of my desk. From painfully groggy this morning to itching and restlessly, I could feel it at the back of my brain that I skipped a step in the carefully structured routine I followed every morning.

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