8. you hit like a bitch

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Warnings: violence, physical fighting



"Nancy?! Nancy, I'm right here! Just- just follow my voice!" 


I woke up, gasping for air, sweaty, blood dripping from my nose. Why was I dreaming about Jonathan and Nancy? That's a really great question. 

It's my understanding, whether this actually happened or not, they went to go find whatever took Will and Nancy found her way into The Upside Down. Certainly not a place I'd want to be in either. 

Now, however, walking down the street, I saw the pair exiting the Hunting and Camping store with bags and boxes of what I assumed were supplies. 

"Hey!" I called, waving with what I hoped was a friendly smile. 

"O-oh, hey Georgie." Jonathan replied. 

As I walked over to say hi, a car honked as it drove by. 

"Hey Nance! Can't wait to see your movie." Before driving off, laughing. 

"What the hell was that?" Jonathan asked. 

"I don't know." Nancy replied, walking forward. She quickly turned around, after realizing something Jonathan and I were not privy to. 

"What?" I asked, stepping in line behind her. 

"What?" Jonathan echoed, just as confused. "Where are you going?" He called as she took off down the sidewalk. 

I shrugged, motioning for us to follow her. 

"Nancy, wait!" I called. 

"Nancy!" She took off into a run across the street while Jonathan and I jogged to catch up. 

I could finally see what she was running to.  The board presenting films being shown at the local movie theatre displayed All the Right Moves but spray painted under it was starring Nancy the Slut Wheeler

"Oh no way." I breathed. 

"Jesus." Jonathan sighed. We could hear the sound of spray paint cans from very close by and Tommy's obnoxious laugh. 

Nancy headed off to the alleyway right next to us, Jonathan and I on her heels. 

"Shut up." Tommy had said. 

"I didn't know you could spell." Nicole teased. Nancy marched toward the group as I stopped short, causing Jonathan to run into me. 

"Aw, hey there, princess!" Carol called. 

"Uh-oh, she looks upset." Tommy observed. 

Nancy stood in front of Steve for moment before slapping him. Hard. 


"Damn!" Jonathan and I caught up. 

"What is wrong with you?" Nancy demanded. 

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? I was worried about you." Steve spat back. "I can't believe that I was actually worried about you." He scoffed. I was glaring at him before I could even register it. 

"What are you talking about?" Nancy exclaimed. 

"I wouldn't lie if I were you," Carol interjected, "wouldn't want to be known as the lying slut, do you?" 

"Speak of the devil." Tommy said, catching Jonathan's eye. "You hanging out around him too, now, Gee?" 

"Yeah? And what if I was?" I threw back. Nancy looked back at Jonathan and then back ahead. 

"You came by last night." 

"Ding ding ding! Does she get a prize?" Carol taunted as Tommy put his arm around her. 

"Look, I don't know what you think you saw but it wasn't like that." Nancy explained. 

What, you just let him into your room to... study?" Steve asked. 

"Or for another pervy photo session?" Tommy laughed. 

"We were just-"

"You were just what?" Steve cut her off, "finish that sentence," then stepping closer to her, he repeated, "finish... that... sentence." 

Nancy didn't reply, her breathing getting heavier, Steve just shook his head. 

"Go to hell, Nancy." Before beginning to walk away.

"Come on, Nancy, let's just leave." Jonathan urged. 

"You know what, Byers? I'm actually kind of impressed." Steve turned to say. 

"I always took you for a joke but I guess you're just a little screw up like your father." Steve continued to jab at Jonathan, pushing him as he walked. 

"Steve, cut it out." I said, pulling on his arm. He didn't give me a second look. 

"Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That house is full of screw ups. You know I guess I shouldn't really be surprised-" 

"Steve! Stop it!" I called. 

"-a bunch of screw ups in your family-"

"Jonathan, leave it." Nancy pleaded. 

"-I mean your mom, I'm not even surprised what happened to your brother-" Steve egged on, continuing to push Jonathan's shoulder. 

"Steve, shut up!" Nancy yelled at the same time I yelled.

"Steve, enough!" 

"I'm sorry I have to be the one to tell you, but the Byers, their family, it's a disgrace to the entire-" 

Unsurprisingly, a shock to absolutely no one, Jonathan lost his cool, decking Steve in the face. 

Steve responded by tackling the other boy to the ground, obviously a fight breaking out. 

"Oh my god." I muttered, pinching the bridge of my nose. 

"Stop! Steve! Knock it off you guys!" Nancy yelled. 

"Kick his ass man!" Tommy yelled. 

"Steve, stop!" I called, stepping closer. Carol pushed Tommy in to break it up only for Steve to shoo him back out. 

"Jonathan stop! Stop, you're going to hurt him!" Nancy called. Both got good licks in, handing each other their asses. 

By then, Jonathan had Steve on the ground, punching relentlessly. Sirens were quickly approaching and for that moment, I was scared for Steve. 

"Jonathan, stop! Please!" I yelled. A clatter of voices from the cops and Tommy and Nancy made it impossible to hear. Tommy telling Carol and Nicole to go, a cop pulling Jonathan off of Steve only to get hit in the face. The other cop grabbed Jonathan while Tommy pulled up Steve. 

The bloodied boy grabbed my hand as if it were his only priority, pulling me. 

"Wait!" I yelled but the two kept rushing along, pulling me with them. 


shorter chapter so i can hopefully get more out.  thats the idea anyway lmao. update soon. dont forget to like/comment/share! word count: 956

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