6. all down hill from here

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After dropping Lucas off at home and assuring Mrs. Sinclair that I could still watch Erica that weekend, Dustin and I drove home in silence. 

"So, you wanna tell me what's been going on?" I asked in what I hoped was a supportive, comforting, I'm here for you type of way and not a you're in trouble and I'm telling Mom type of way.

"Um..." Dustin said, not looking at me. 

"You don't have to," I eased, "I just want you to know you don't have to go through anything alone." 

"Thanks." Dustin replied, quietly. 

"How about this? Do you wanna tell me about the girl who came down the stairs at Mike's house the other night? She was there at the Quarry, right?" 

My brother nodded. "That's Eleven."


"Mmhmm. She has powers." I tried hard to not let any reaction cross my face. 

"Yeah? That's pretty cool." I said. It explained suddenly the bursts of colliding energy and what I had seen before. 

"Yeah, she can like... move shit with her mind." Oh-ho, she can, can she? I decided then it was necessary for me to meet the girl, seeing as that would make two of us. 

"Mike said something about her helping you all find Will alive. Said he was hiding." I encouraged. 

"Yeah. Hiding." It was clear that it puzzled Dustin as much as it did me. 

"But you don't know where and that's the trouble?" Dustin nodded. I didn't push for anymore questions as we pulled into the driveway. I couldn't remember the last time I'd seen my brother in such a state. Not even when everything with Dad had gone down. 

"I'm here for you, Dusty. If you need anything," the boy nodded, "I'm serious. Anything." Dustin walked inside ahead of me as I closed the garage door. Mom was sitting on the couch with Mews watching TV. 

"Hi my loves!" She greeted warmly. Dustin gave her a tired kiss on the cheek before heading to his room. 

"Hi mama." I murmured, giving a kiss to her head and petting Mews. 

"What's going on?" She asked, sitting up. I crouched down in front of her. 

"You might hear soon," I started, "a body was found at the Quarry." I said, quietly. Mom gasped. 

"Tell me it was't-" 

"They're saying it is. I didn't get a good look, so I can't be sure but..." I got uncharacteristically choked up, swallowing the lump in my throat, "Mom, it looks pretty damn close to Will Byers." 


The drive to Steve's house was never a long one but tonight it dragged on for hours, it felt. Knowing his parents just happened to be home, I parked down the street in front of his grouchy neighbor's house and made my way to the back of his house where his room was located. 

Skillfully, like I had been doing for year, I climbed the tree next to the house up to Steve's window, tapping quietly. It only took a few seconds before Steve was opening the curtain. 

"Georgie? Whatcha doing?" He asked with a teasing tone. 

"Are you busy?" He shook his head, opening the window and helping me inside. He had his stereo playing some classic rock and was in a seemingly upbeat mood but clocked my own mood almost immediately. 

"Hey, Gee, what's going on?" He asked, pulling me closer to him. 

"They, uh, they found a body in the water at the Quarry." I said, unable to look in one place for longer than a second. 

"No shit?" Steve asked, concern growing in his voice. I nodded. 

"They think it's Will Byers. I mean, I couldn't really see it-"

"You were there?" 

"I was driving home and I saw the emergency lights and when I got closer, these kids were there, they looked about the right age to be Dustin and his friends. I had to-" to make sure it wasn't him in the water. 

"Alright, alright, Jo. It's okay. You're okay." He said, pulling my head to rest on his shoulder. 

"I used to babysit that kid. Shit I babysat him like two weeks ago when Joyce worked a double." I said as Steve held me tight. Steve didn't say anything, just swayed gently from side to side until my eyes grew heavy. 

"Why don't you come lay down? I'm sure it's been quite the day." Didn't he know it. 

Steve laid down on his bed and I followed suit, taking off my Docs, my stocking-covered feet scooting across his hardwood floor. 

I laid down next to him, like I had done since I was a kid and quietly fell into the lull of sleep. 

"You broke Jonathan's camera today." I found myself saying, words heavy with sleep. Steve didn't say anything. 

If he'd said anything, I surely missed it, succumbing to the hazy fog I'd been drifting in and out of. 


idk why im in such a funk this chapter was just straight up kicking my ass so im gonna leave it here. update soon. don't forget to like/comment/share! word count: 846

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