3. tell me like it is

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Sitting in a lawn chair in Steve's backyard, I had a can of his dad's expensive beer in my hand while Tommy and Carol disgustingly pretended not to be feeling each other up. Steve had gone to greet Nancy and apparently Barb at the door. I had a freshly rolled blunt between my fingers but hadn't lit it yet.

Within ten minutes of the two girls being here, Tommy was picking up Carol and threatening to throw her in the pool. She shrieked with complaints, calling him an asshole.

Steve handed me his lighter before taking a beer can of his own and his pocket knife to shot gun the drink. I took a long drag, holding it in my mouth just long enough for it to tingle at the back of my throat before exhaling. Nancy's eyes drifted between me and then back to Steve.

After The King had shown off for Miss Nancy, he settled himself down into the lawn chair next to mine, snatching the cigarette resting behind his ear.

"Was that suppose to impress me?" She asked with a teasing tone.

"You're not?" Steve asked, holding it between his lips. I laughed at his remark.

"You are a cliche, you do realize that?" Nancy said. I took another long drag, silently offering it to Barb who politely shook her head. I smiled at her with what I hoped was a friendly, reassuring, "I understand and see that this is horribly uncomfortable for you right now, is there anything I can do to help" type of way.

She just returned a tight press of her lips. Fair enough.

"You are a cliche, what with your... your grades and your band practice." Steve tossed back, lighting the cig.

Nancy laughed, "I'm so not in band."

"Okay, party girl. Why don't you just, uh, show us how it's done, then?" Steve challenged. I sat up a little straighter, suddenly intrigued.

Nancy stood up, taking the pocket knife and a can of beer from Steve.

"You gotta make a little hole right in-"

"I got it." Nancy cut him off.

"Yeah, she's smart, ya douche!" Tommy called. I snorted as he crushed the empty can he held on his head, tossing it to the ground.

Nancy skillfully copied what Steve had done just moments before while he began to chant: "chug, chug, chug, chug," until she'd emptied the can. She dropped the empty can, doing a little "ta-da" curtsy before turning around to Barb, who looked clearly agitated.

"Barb, you wanna try?" Nancy asked, extending an olive branch.

"What? No." She responded instantly.

As Nancy pushed a little harder, Barb resisted until the others began to push too. I cleared my throat, signaling for them to shut up.

"Nance, I don't want to..."

"Just... just give it a shot." Barb stood up, looking even more fumed than before. I sat up in my chair.

"Barb, you really don't have to-" I said before Carol cut me off.

"It'll be fun, come on!"

Barb went to cut the small hole in the can but ended up slicing into her finger instead, dropping the can. I stood, alarmed.

"Gnarly!" Tommy whistled.

"Barb are you okay?" Nancy asked.


"Barb you're bleeding." Nancy tried.

"I'm fine. Where's your bathroom?" Barb asked.

"Oh, it's down past the kitchen, to the left. Barb, why don't I show you if that's okay?" She nodded silently, turning. I smacked Steve gently upside the head, glaring at him.

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