12. the truth will set you free

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There was no way for me to tell exactly how long I was knocked out. I was entirely disoriented waking up on Jonathan Byers' couch with my head in Steve's lap while Nancy held a damp cloth to my forehead. 

"Morning Sunshine." Steve said, softly. 

"Ow." Was all I said. My whole body ached but it had seemed like the blood from my nose was wiped away. 

"How're you feeling?" Nancy asked. 

"Like I got hit by a train." I replied. A murmur of laughs comes from the three before silence fell over the room again. 

"Here," Steve handed a glass of water to me which I downed quicker than I should have. Steve looked back and forth between Jonathan and Nancy, sharing a silent conversation that I wasn't privy on. 

"So..." Jonathan started. Nancy cleared her throat and Steve scratched the back of his head. I exhaled slowly, closing my eyes as exhaustion washed over me again.

"I have these abilities. They showed up when I was little. I can move stuff with my mind, like you saw before. But there's more to it." I breathed out, not ready to see the looks on everyone's faces. 

It was quiet for a moment. 

"Keep going." Steve said, softly. 

"I'm clairvoyant. With physical contact, I can see someone's past, present, and future. Sometimes it's mainly connected to a specific person and sometimes it's general. I know you wouldn't but please don't tell anyone. Especially not Dustin, he doesn't know." My voice was tired and small. 

"Of course not." Nancy agreed. I felt her rest her hand on my wrist and for reasons I couldn't understand, it settled the ball of nerves in my stomach. 

"I appreciate it." I sat up slowly, Steve's hand on my shoulder, helping me up. 

I talked down Steve to just go home, promising to call him later before piling into Jonathan's car. Everyone was gathered in Will's hospital room when Jonathan, Nancy, and I showed up. Dustin looked like he could finally take a deep breath when I smiled at him. Also feeling immense relief upon seeing him, and everyone else, safe, I stepped toward Dustin, pulling him to my side. 

Joyce was crying and hugging Jonathan while also not letting go of Will. When she saw me, Dustin pushed me towards her opened embrace. She held me tight with the arm not holding Will's hand. I exhaled the tight breath I held in my chest at the weight lifting from my shoulders. 

Letting me go, she put her hand on my cheek and smiled warmly, like my own mom often did. I put my hand over her's, closing my eyes and leaning into her. 

I felt Dustin's hand on my arm, tugging at my sleeve. I untangled from Joyce, slipping out of the room at Dustin's lead. In the quiet hallway, I turned to my little brother who immediately pushed into me, hugging tight. 

"Oh, are you- hey, you okay?" I asked, surprised. He nodded against my shoulder. 

"Didn't know where you went." He all but mumbled. I sighed, squeezing tighter. 

"I'm sorry. Nance and Jonathan asked me to come with them- they wanted to catch the demogorgon." I said, almost laughing at the insanity of the sentence. Dustin pulled his head back to look at me. 

"Did you catch it?" He asked, his voice holding childlike wonder. 

"We did not, Dusty, we did not." I said, laughing lightly. "I'm I stressed you out." I said, quietly. 

"I'm okay, Georgie." I smiled tightly, nudging his shoulder. 


The question lingering at the front of my mind was where did El go? But it didn't seem like the appropriate time to bring it up, so I kept to myself. When the hospital room mostly cleared, I offered to stay with Will and Dustin in case she wanted to run home. 

There was great hesitation on her face before I started over, "would it be more convenient for me to pick up anything you need from your house? Is that a weird thing to offer?" I asked, laughing lightly. 

Joyce thought for another moment before making me a small list for the errand. Smiling sheepishly, she checked again if I minded (I didn't) before I asked Dustin if he'd rather stay with Will. Like I had figured, he chose the latter. Lucky for me, my car still remained in the school parking lot. 

I sat down in the driver's seat, locking the door and was suddenly slammed with the after affects of the night. Letting out a heavy breath, I held my hands on the steering wheel, leaning back in the seat. 

The ambient silence rang in my ears as I stalled in the dark parking lot. My eyelids felt heavy as I finally shoved the key into the ignition, starting the car. I didn't even bother to tune the stereo, let alone turn it on as I drove, only the noise of the car on the road humming. 

Without being able to even recall it, I was parking again in the Byers' driveway, shutting my car off. I felt an odd chill run down my spine at the thought of re-entering this house. Pushing it aside, I stepped out into the dark, locking the car and pulling the list from Joyce from my pocket. 

I was stunned to see the house looked like nothing had happened. No scorch marks from the fiery trap we set, no marks from bullet casings, the ceiling in tact like a supernatural monster hadn't dropped down from it. 

The lights Joyce strung up still decorated the living room, sitting against the alphabet wall she painted. Shaking the evening's events away, I hurried around the house looking for the listed items. When I was sure I had everything, I went into Will's room to grab him some drawing supplies, just in case. 

As quickly as I had come and gone, I was back at the hospital within the hour, handing everything off to the Byers'.

"Here ya go, Will. Brought you some drawing stuff and I expect a full mural by tomorrow." I teased, ruffling his floppy hair. He laughed lightly, nodding. "Whadda say, Dusty? I think it's past both our bedtimes." 

My little brother rolled his eyes at the nickname but waved bye to Will, following me to my car. Again, the ride was quiet, Dustin snoring softly as he nodded off. We'd finally made it home and I pulled my car into the garage, quietly killing the engine. 

Dustin, who I couldn't bear to wake up, scored a free piggyback into the house. Getting him settled, I turned off the overhead light in his room.

"G'night Dustin." I whispered, closing his door. On heavy, entirely exhausted footsteps, I trudged to my room, walked up to my bed, not even bothering to turn any lights on and leaned forward, flopping onto my bed, closing my eyes and crashing into the deepest sleep of my life. 


well after a lot of debating with myself i have decided this is where book 1 will end! i know its short but there will be more, ideally one for each season and they will ideally be more in depth and detailed but i am excited to have a solid start! 

look out for updates soon! don't forget to like/comment/share. word count: 1223

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