2. zero to one hundred

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"Wait, so you didn't get to finish the campaign?" I asked Dustin as I pulled up to the curb. 

"No," Dustin said with a glum face. I made a face. 

"Well that's a bummer. Do you think you'll get to continue next weekend?" Dustin nodded. 

"Probably. I hope so anyway but it-" 

"Throws off the flow." We said at the same time. 

"Exactly." Dustin agreed. I made the same face as before. 

"Well, I'm sorry about that." Dustin just shrugged as he moved to get out of the car, "don't forget, I'm watching Holly after school today, so if you need anything, call the Wheeler's." I said as my younger brother nodded, saluting to me in his sarcastic manner. "Bye, I love you!" I called, dramatically. 

I hummed to myself, lost in my own head as I ran through the motions of getting to school. As I walked in, I was stuck behind Nancy Wheeler and her friend Barb, going over flashcards for what I figured was a Chemistry exam. 

Steve was quick to grab them out of her hand once she approached her locker, trailed by Tommy and Carol. I joined them. 

"Oh you don't even need these, you are gonna ace it." He said, holding them out of her reach. 

"Steve, seriously, I need to make sure I've got everything." She complained. 

"Watch, I know you've got this," he said, "what is the Octet rule?" In a flustered daze, Nancy stumbled across the answer. 

"Atom are reactive until they have 8 electrons in their valence shell. Forming bonds." I said, suddenly receiving odd looks from throughout the group.

"I took Kaminsky's advanced Chem last year." I mused, pushing up my glasses, shrugging like it was no big deal, because it wasn't. 

"In more fun news, my dad's out of town on conference," Steve changed the subject, "and dear mother went with him cause, ya know she doesn't trust him," 

"Good call," Tommy interjected with a stupid smirk. 

"So, you in?." The brown-eyed boy asked.

Nancy hesitated, "in for what?" 

"No parents, big house." Carol filled in.

"A party?" Nancy asked, hesitantly.

"Ding ding ding!" Carol cheered. Nancy glanced over at me almost as if asking what to do. 

"It's Tuesday." Nancy mentioned, a good point to be made. 

Tommy, like the annoying jerk he can be said, "It's Tuesday, oh my god!" I smacked his arm. 

"Come on. Don't be a dick." I said, cooly. He just rolled his eyes, poking at my shoulder. 

"It'll be low key. Just us." Steve reasoned, "what do you say? Are you in or you out?" 

"Um..." I spotted Jonathan Byers walking in with papers in his hand just as Carol did too.

"Oh god. Look." All eyes went to the boy who was hanging up a missing poster for his younger brother, Will. What was essentially a punch to the gut hit me hard as I immediately thought of my own brother. 

"Oh god, that's depressing." Steve mused. I hit his arm, giving him a look. 

"Should we say something?" Nancy asked. 

"I don't think he speaks." Carol replied. I rolled my eyes while none of them saw. 

"How much do you wanna bet he killed him?" Tommy quipped. Steve hit his arm. 

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