9. just playing the game

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"Hey," Tommy said, tossing Steve a can of Coke and some Aspirin, "you owe me $1.20. Don't worry, he'll need more than aspirin when we're done with him." Steve popped the pain meds into his mouth, swallowing with the Coke. 

"Yeah," Carol scoffed, "if the creep ever gets out. The cops should just lock him up forever." Steve was quiet as he put the cold can to his face. 

"Did you see the look on his face?" Carol laughed, weakly punching Tommy in some imitation of Jonathan. 

"Probably had the same whenever he killed his brother, right?" Tommy quipped, patting Steve's arm. 

"Oh my god." I whispered in angry disbelief. 

"Oh god, just imagine him making that face while him and Nancy are screwing-"

"Carol, for once in your life, shut your damn mouth!" Steve yelled at the same time I yelled, "shut up, Carol!" 

"What?" She asked, stunned. 

"Hey, what's your problem, man?" Tommy snapped. 

"You're both assholes, that's my problem." Steve said, getting off the car and into Tommy's face. 

"Are you serious right now?" Tommy exclaimed. 

"Yeah I'm serious, you shouldn't have done that." Steve said, heading to the driver's seat. 

"Done what?

"You know what!" 

"You mean call her out for what she really is?" Tommy sneered, "ohh, that's funny cause I don't remember you asking me to stop." 

"I should've put that spray paint right down your throat." Steve muttered. 

"What the hell, Steve!" Carol asked. 

"You know, neither of you ever cared about her, you never even liked her, because she's not miserable like you two. She actually cares about other people." Steve said. 

"The slut with a heart of gold." Carol yelled. 

"I told you to watch your mouth!" Steve yelled, pointing at her. Tommy punched his chest. 

"Hey! I don't know what's gotten into you, man, but you don't talk to her that way." Tommy said. Steve pushed his torso. 

"Get out of my face." 

"Or what?" Tommy grabbed Steve's collar, slamming his back against the car. I decided then would be good to intervene. 

"You gonna fight me now too? Huh?" Tommy shouted. "Cause you couldn't taken Jonathan Byers, so, I wouldn't recommend that." I stepped between the two boys, pushing Tommy away. 

"Enough. I'm sick of this who's bigger contest, Steve, let's go." I snapped. Steve opened the door to drive as Tommy slammed it shut. 

"Here, lemme get the door for ya." I got into the passenger seat as Steve backed out. 

"Yeah, that's right! Run away, just like you always do!" Tommy yelled. 


The ride to my house was silent. I didn't speak and Steve knew better than to. I can't remember the last time I was this angry about anything. I knew Steve could be a jackass sometimes but I hadn't seen anything like what I just saw in a long time and I hated every second of it. 

I didn't want to be friends with King Steve, I wanted my best friend back. 

When Steve pulled up to the curb outside of my house, I didn't move. I just sat, staring ahead out of the windshield. 

"Georgie..." Steve trailed off. Without looking at him, I unbuckled my seatbelt and moved to get out of the car. Steve stays quiet. He is looking down at his lap, shame engulfing him. I opened the driver's side door, much to Steve's surprise.


"Well? Let's go." He sheepishly got out of his car after yanking the key from the ignition. We walked into my house like we had a million times before and I made my way to the bathroom, Steve following. 

"Sit." I said, rummaging through cabinets for any first aid materials. Steve silently followed my instructions slightly resembling someone who just kicked a puppy. There continued to hang a thick, tense silence between the two of us. 

Steve winced as I cleaned a cut over his eye but still kept quiet. While I threw out the bloodied tissues, I caught Steve's puppy-dog eyes from the corner of my eye. As quickly as they were on me, there were pulled away. 

I sighed, moving his chin to look for any other immediate concerns. 

"Georgie?" Steve murmured. His voice was small and timid, a child who has been scolded. As hard as I tried to hold onto my angry composure, it cracked farther just looking down at Steve. He looked like the pout on his face would be there forever. The regret and annoyance with himself was painfully evident and I sighed, losing my resolve entirely. 


"I know you're not the only one I need to apologize to but I'm hoping it's a start?" He asked, looking at me with his big brown eyes, waiting for any response. I nodded, pursing my lips. 

"I'm sorry, Georgie. First for being a dick, ignoring you, and putting you into a situation with the cops." Steve rattled off his list of wrong doings. I nodded, my lip twitching slightly to an acknowledging look. 

"Thank you, Stevie." I said, quietly. 

"I'm not trying to make an excuse here," he inhaled, sharply, "I just got so- so mad when I saw her with Byers. It was real shitty of me but I just- I lost it." Steve rambled on. 

"I know, Steve. And I'm not saying it's justified but I get it. Things have been rough recently, I think you should just talk to Nancy. Hell, talk to Byers. I'm sure there was a reason behind everything." I said. 

"Yeah," he took a long breath in, "I'm gonna make it right." I smiled briefly, nodding. 

"Good. Sorry your face got all mangled." I said, ruffling his hair. Steve laughed, dryly. 

"Thanks. For everything." He said. I nodded again. Steve was quiet for a moment before his eyes brightened. 

"I gotta go take care of something. I'll see you later?" 

"Sure, Stevie." As he stood, he kissed my forehead, lingering for a second. What I hadn't anticipated were the sudden butterflies swarming my stomach, my palms growing sweaty, and my ears starting to grow warm. 

Flustered? Giddy? Whatever the right word was, it unsettled me entirely. 

"Bye, Georgie. Thank you." Steve smiled at me, warmly and I just silently waved him off. My heartbeat quickened while I wiped my palms on my jeans. Stunned, I recounted all the times Steve had done that over the course of our friendship.

 Countless times, something neither of us ever thought about, same as when he hugs me after he carries Hawkins High to winning a basketball game or when I get a perfect score on a test. 

"You look like you've seen a ghost." I gasped, startled at the sudden voice of my little brother. 

"What?" I asked, still dazed. 

"What's wrong with you? You're all flushed. Do you have a fever?" I absently brought my hand to my cheek. 

"I- um, maybe. I'll check." Dustin gave me a weird look before going off to his room. I looked at myself in the mirror. 

"Pull it together, would you?" I demanded of my reflection. 


LONG time no update oh wOW. ended on kind of a filler but we're chugging along yay! don't forget to like/comment/share. update soon! word count: 1200

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