You're staring at the ceiling
Trapped between these walls
You can't eliminate these feelings
The ones you've held on to for so long
All the lies that they've told you
Come crashing down like a wave
As it drags you down under
You know you can't be saved
If there's beauty in a breakdown
But this isn't one of them
The higher people lift you up
The harder you will fall
The dread of what could happen
Ruins it all
It steals the lights out of your eyes
In a world of broken people
It's not hard to realize
That although this world is still turning
All your bridges are burning
And there's nobody by your side
Though the light shines bright
It can't warm up the night
And can't wipe the tears from your eyes

Poetry for the Heart
PoesíaPoetry that anyone going through a hard time can relate too.