His Personal Heater

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I was worried!

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I was worried!

It was 10am. Zeyansh went out at 4pm and still hasn't returned. He didn't even tell me where he went. I called Varun to ask if he was with him.

"Zeyansh? He's with-

Uh, I don't know! But I'll call him and check in on him. I'll tell you if I find something." He said.

I noticed that he wanted to say something but turned around and decided not to. But I pushed that to the back of my mind.

I was panicking and the fact that it was raining cats and dogs was not helping. His phone is switched off and I told Varun that.

"I'll take care of it. Don't worry about it. He will be home before you know it." He tried comforting me, but it wasn't working.

"I can't bhai! I'm scared." I said as I sat down on the couch, tired from all the pacing I'd been doing for the past 2 hours. My shoulders sagged forward as I sobbed out loud.

I didn't want anything happening to him.

"I've been giving him the silent treatment since the party. I've been rude and bitchy to him.

I'm scared that-I'm scared that I'm going to get a call from someone, telling me that my husband has been in an accident. I don't even know where he is right now.

He could have gotten in an accident, lying somewhere alone for all that I know. I just want to hear his voice and tell me that everything is fine and that he's alright.

I just want my husband back bhai! I promise I'll forget that night. I won't hold any grudge and I'll be the best wife anybody could ever have. I'll try harder, but please God, just please bring my husband home." I sobbed really hard, clutching my aching heart.

"Oh God! Ishaani dear, stop crying. Your husband is all right. He'll come home soon." I heard Natasha's voice.

"I hope so didi, I hope so!" I said.

After a few comforting words from their side, I ended the call. I tried calling Zeyansh again and when the monotonous robotic voice told me that his phone was still switched off, I threw the phone away as I slid down the couch to the floor. I pulled my knees closer and hugged them to my chest.

I didn't know why I was this scared. Maybe it was because in movies and books, the character is bound to be involved in an accident after they leave the house after a fight. Maybe I was overreacting but I really wish I wasn't. I wish that images of my husband laying in a ditch, bloody and all alone, didn't pop up in my head. I wish there weren't voices telling me that my husband is dead. I wish there weren't images of him covered in a white sheet in a morgue.

Please God! I pray every day, only asking you to keep my close ones safe. This time too, I'm asking you the same. Please bring my husband home in one piece.

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