Come Back To Me

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Of course!

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Of course!

What had I expected from someone like him?

Why had I expected this time to be different from the other times he's let me down with no remorse? Why do I keep hoping in this forsaken marriage?

So many thoughts ran through my head and none had answers. I hailed an auto that was about to pass by me, ignoring his cries, begging me to stop and let him explain, but how was he going to explain this? Was there even an explanation? It was clear as a day that he was gawking at her when it was supposed to be our date.

I asked the auto driver to take me to the nearest hotel. Throughout the journey, the thoughts kept running through my head but not a single tear ran from my eyes.

I was numb!

There was no point looking for answers to those questions in my head, so I had to decide on what to do next.


It has been two since that day and my phone has been blowing non-stop. Calls flooded from my worried parents and best friend and last but definitely not the least, my oh-so-great pathi dev(husband). He had been so helpful that he let my parents know that I'd left the house after a "small fight" that we had.

Oh little did they know that it was anything but small!

Of course, he left out the reason behind the fight and only told them that it was a lover's quarrel. My parents have been relentlessly calling me, asking me to solve whatever the problem was and to not stay alone in a hotel. Their worries were justified but at this point in time, I just want someone who would understand me and the entire situation.

Someone like Siddharth!

But I didn't want to call him and disturb him with my sob stories, though he had promised to help me through my situation. He's a doctor and he should concentrate on saving people's lives, not my marriage, which has come to a point beyond saving.

I had to convince my parents to not worry. Immediately the day after my oh-so-wonderful date, I called Abinaya to get my things from the house at a time he was out at work. I applied for sick leave that day and took a warm bubble bath, treated myself to a feast, and slept like a baby, forgetting about my troubles for the two days that I'd been here. But now it was time to go back to work because who is going to take care of me?

Definitely not Zeyansh!


As I sat at work, trying to concentrate on the work that was due tonight, my mind slipped back to the one man who has managed to take me on a rollercoaster of emotions in the two years that we'd been married. I'm pretty sure now that I wasn't there around him anymore, he was having fun with her.

Probably even fucking her!

And just that thought had me rushing to the bathroom as I felt nauseous. Every emotion that I'd been bottling up for the past two days poured out of me as I stood in front of the basin, crying my heart out. He should have rejected me when his parents told him about the marriage proposal. I've been rejected by 6 grooms and he would have been the 7th. I probably would have gotten married to a man that actually loved me or I would have stayed with my parents, working and taking care of them. Why did he have to come into my life and ruin it? Why did he have to break my heart in shambles, to a point where I wasn't sure it could be pieced back together? Was it because I wasn't too pretty for him? I groomed myself so well everyday just to not gross him out, so why? Why? Just why?

My mind was filled with questions again with none having an answer to them. I watched in fascination as my kajal and mascara ran along the lengths of my face, creating lines that depicted sadness, anger, and confusion. This marriage was toxic. Before, I was just too blind to see it, and later I decided to ignore it, but now, I'm going to take action, an action to protect my heart and dignity.

With that thought in my head, I washed my face, adjusted my hair, and walked out of the washroom, with no smidge of makeup on my face, with my head held because I was beautiful with and without it.


"Ishaani, your husband is downstairs creating a scene. He says he won't leave until he's talked to you. The security guards have tried asking him to leave the premises politely, but if it goes further, then they're going to be brutal but the manager wanted to let you know just in case." Rithu, the receptionist, rambled on as she was panicking and agitated.

Once my mind had processed everything that she had rambled, I ran downstairs. I pushed in through the crowd witnessing the drama Zeyansh was putting on. I gasped as I looked at the man who was trying to run throw the guards to get into the company. He was nothing like the decent, uptight man I was used to.

"LET ME GOOO!! I HAVE TO TALK TO MY WIFE!!" he yelled at the top of his voice. Gone was the low, deep, and sultry voice only to be replaced by an obnoxious shout of a drunkard. As a reputed doctor, he's the last person I would expect to get drunk this early in the day and make a scene in front of a company.

"ENOUGH!" I yelled out as I rushed towards him. "What in the hell do you think you are doing? You're embarrassing not only yourself but me as well." I whisper-yelled at him.

"I apologize to everyone for the inconvenience this has caused. You can all return to your work. I'll take it on from here." I told the crowd and convinced the guards that I would be alright.

"What the hell are you doing here Zeyansh? What kind of barbaric behavior is this?" I yelled at him as we walked a few meters away from the company. I hope my manager would understand the circumstance and not bash me for it.

"Come back home to me!" Was all he said with puppy dog eyes and a small pout. I would be lying if I said that didn't melt my numb heart a bit. But then I remembered all the times he made me feel unloved like I didn't matter! The times that he gawked at her.

" Zeyansh, this is all your doing! You brought this upon yourself. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE OUR FIRST FUCKING DATE AND YOU RUINED IT." I said as I yelled out all the agony in my heart as his red eyes widened. I've never yelled at him and this must have come as a shock.

"I know! And I couldn't feel guiltier than I am now. I apologize and it's not just for ruining our first date but for the way I've treated you throughout our marriage." He said in a desolate tone.

A part of me, the part that thought that he was here to apologize because he realized he loved me, broke as he was only here cause the guilt was eating him up. I know that's crazy of me, but for two years I've yearned for his love, and not for once has his heart relented.

"Please come back home. I know you've given me plenty of chances but I just need one more." He pleaded and I wanted to give in, I wanted to go back, forget everything and be in his arms.

And so I did what my heart asked for!


Hey guys!

I'm back after a year. I'll try and post as regularly as I can. But I can't do it because I don't have the motivation. I wanted to drop this story because it wasn't getting a lot of votes or comments and I felt like it wasn't going anywhere. But I thought why not the again.

So I'm going to post a couple of chapters and if the response has not improved from before, then I'm afraid I'll have to drop this story.

So if you guys like the characters (maybe not Zeyansh) and the plotline, do let me know in the comments and by voting.

So for now that's it!



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