Chapter 1

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"All right, that is all for today. Everyone, get home safely. We will talk more about this tomorrow." said Taichou. Everyone in the meeting room walked out, after saying their goodbyes, except me. Then the last person closed the door "I don't think this was their doing." I commented as I looked as the notes on the board. "Why wouldn't it be his doing? The murders were exactly how his groups would do it." He looked at the board as well, pointed at one of the pictures.

"That may be true, but look at it closely." I paused as I got up from my seat "if you look here." I pointed at the neck of the person "It looks like the victim was choked to death. I don't think they would use bullets if they don't need to." The photo showed the victims chest having 3 bullet wounds. "They do have a few enemies. But who would be crazy enough to go against him?" He scratched the back of his head.

"Let's stop here, before we end up staying at the office until who knows when. Plus I have someone waiting for me at him." He smiled to himself and I rolled my eyes. "Alright." We left the office and went our separate ways.


I kicked a rock that was near my foot as I made my way to the parking lot. 'I hope have time to rest before going to the dojo' I hopped onto my motorcycle and fixed my helmet. I drove out of the parking lot.

It wasn't that busy during this time of the day. It was nice and quiet. I'd pass a few cars and there weren't that much people on the sidewalks. Almost all the stores were clothes besides the 24 hour ones.

As I was driving I noticed a few men running into an alleyway. 'That's a bit odd' I mumbled. And so like the curious cat I am, I quickly parked my bike on the side a bit away from the the alleyway and ran towards it, shoving my gun in its holster.

As soon as I turned into the the alleyway, I pulled out my gun, aiming at whatever would be in front of me. But there was no one, that I could directly see. I hear running footsteps at the end of the alleyway. It was bit too dark to see the person. All I saw was that the dude jumped over the fence at the end. Then I heard a groan from a few feet in front of me. "Hello?" I called out, but heard nothing back.

I took a few steps forward and say a man sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, unconscious. My eyes have adjusted to the darkness and I noticed the man was bleeding in multiple spots. "Sir!?" I shoved my gun away and hurried over the said person.

I bent down to his level and checked his pulse. Still alive. "Ah shi- I need to call the ambulance." I mumbled out loud and grabbed my phone. But before I could unlock it the man grabbed my wrist, startling me. "Wha-! Sir I need to call the ambulance you're. Seriously injured!" I shouted a bit as his grip on my wrist was strong. "No... hospital... don't need." His voice barely a whisper. "But" I tried to insist but he shook his head, eyes till closed, his head hung low. I groaned "Okay, I'll put my phone away. But I can't just leave you here." He lets go of my wrist and I put my phone away, standing up.

I go to grab his arm but he weakly pulls it back. " no need" he muttered. "If you don't let me help you, I'm going to call the police." I attempted to grab him again and was successful. He didn't protest and leans onto me for support. 'Holy- this guys tall! And heavy. I must be on something, thinking I could carry this man to my bike.' He had his arm around my shoulder and I had an arm around his waist, walking towards my bike.

As soon as we hit the sun light, his bright blond hair shined a bit. My eyes widened as I looked at the man I was helping. I stared for a bit before he groaned snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hold on, my motorcycle is right there." I assured as we started walking toward it

I struggled as I got the man on the back with him toppling over. I gave him the helmet and sat down in front of him "Hey, you're gonna have to hold on to me if you don't wanna fall off." I warned, starting up the engine. He loosely held on to me, wrapped his arms around my waist. After getting comfortable, I drove back to my home.

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