Chapter 20

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We are now in his meeting room. "This place looks—" he cut me off "Not what you expected?" He questioned, I gave a small awkward smile as he was right. The room he led me to was actually very elegant looking.

"Come." He leads me to the end of the oval shaped table. "I'd love to give you a seat but— you're going to have to act as my secretary." He smiled at me as he took his seat, spinning it to face me, who was behind him.

He hands me a note pad. "You might need this." Along with the note pad he hands me a mask. It was a cat like mask. I tilted my head at him, confused. "I mean unless you want them to know your face." 'Oh' I took the mask and placed it on my face.

"It suits you." He smiled. "Okay." He got serious. "No matter what anyone says, indirectly or directly, don't answer any of them. Not even my brother." I flinched when he said that. "Your brother will be here?" I asked. "Yes, of course he's his own little boss." He answers. "I'll make sure they don't do anything to you, they wouldn't do anything in my presence anyway." I just nod my head. I feel a bit nervous now that I'm actually here.

He looks up at me, and grabs my arm making me fall onto him. He pulled me into a hug. "Wha-" "Relax, I'll protect you." He cooed, he stroked my hair, and gave me a kiss on the forehead. Then the door opened and I pushed myself off of Luca.

'Holy— oh my goodness— my heart clam down please.' I turned my head away to fix myself as Luca chuckled, turning his chair back to the table In front of him.

Every one that walked in took a few glances at me before taking their seats. But even when they sat down they continued to take short glances at me. 'Thank you so much Luca, because without this mask, my facial expressions would cause a bullet to go straight through me.' Soon Everett boss and their own secretary came in the room. The last duo, closing the door shut behind them.

Kanekuro sat on the opposite end of Luca, he was the one who stared straight at me, not even hiding the fact that he was.

"Shall we begin?" asks Luca and everyone around the table nods. And as soon as Luca opened his mouth the pressure in the room was intense, this was more intense than Sonny's presence when he was serious. A shiver was sent through out the room. And with that, the people who needed too, took out their own note pad, including me.


They spoke about small things that Luca already knows and I could feel his irritation, just by looking at the back of his head. "Is there anything new going on that I don't already know of?" He asks, leaning he's elbows against the table top and rests his head on his hands.

The room is silent until he asks another question. "You seem to have a question you want to ask me," he pauses and then says "Go ahead, ask it, if you really want an answer." 'Probably going to ask about me.'

Soon a brave soul opened their mouth. "Seeing as how," he started off strong but then looked at Luca, causing him to falter. "A-all of us are showing our b-bare face. Why does— why does the person behind you. Have a mask on." 'Oh you're so brave. I'd applaud you if I could.'

"Oh! Is that your question? If you really must no—" he leans back on his chair. "You all know how protective I am of what's mine." The pressure felt like it got heavier. "You're all lucky I even let you glance at my lover." 'HUH, ya know you're making it hard for me not to react to anything if you're the one causing it.' As he finished his statement, the people started to whisper to each other. "I don't like sharing what's mine, clearly, so if I find out that any of you are trying to dig information up about my dear." He pauses and leans back on the table. "I'll have your head on this table." A shiver was sent through everyone, including me. Except Kanekuro. Everyone just nods and continues with the meeting.

But there was one lady who was shooting glares at me. 'Oh, please no, I don't feel like dealing with someone's one sided love.'

The rest of the meeting went smoothly as everyone exchanged information and created deals. Soon it was over. "Alright, if that is all, you are dismissed." He orders everyone out. And, of course, they listen. Except one. 'Ah geez'

[His Treasure] Luca Kaneshiro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now