Chapter 25

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I really thought of just— how nice being submerged under water is. It was a nice feeling— a feeling I thought I could stay in for a while longer, until I wasn't. I gasped for breath as I was carried to the surface.

I latched on to whatever saved me and I was carried to the land. "If you had just waited a bit longer—" "Shut the fuck up Kanekuro before I shoot your other arm." That was Lucas voice. Then I heard. "[Y/N]!" That was Ike.

I finally opened my eyes and the first person my eyes landed on was Luca. He had such a worried expression on his face. My arms still wrapped around his neck. He let out a shakey sigh and pulled me closer to him— holding me in his arm as if I was going to disappear. "I would love to stay like this longer but— could you maybe take care of that?" I said as I let go of him and look down at my bullet wound.

As soon as Luca saw that he snatched the gun from my side and shot Kanekuros arm, the same one he previous shot before jumping in the water. Kanekuro shouted as the bullet pierced him. "Ike could you carry my brother to the car." Ike hesitated but dragged himself over to Kanekuro who just let himself be lifted up by Ike.

Ike was in the drivers seat and Kanekuro was in the passengers seat. Luca and I were in the back.

"I— I uh can sit—" he cut me off quickly "No"

He kept me in his arms as Ike drove. I know this isn't really the time to be embarrassed but I still have my pride. I mentally cried. He tightened his grip on me, but still held me gently in his arms. He had placed his coat over me.

Soon we arrived at Luca's mansion again. Kanekuro quickly got out of the car taking his leave to I assume his part of the house. Luca carried me to his room.


"I'm sorry [Y/N]!" Cried Ike at my side after a doctor came in. "I'm fine Ike—" he cuts me off "You say that every time! You're not fine right now." 'Ah' "When I couldn't find you— I couldn't— but when you notified me I was so relieved. So relieved I called Luca and he immediately ran to your location. We were so desperate to find you. I looked through your phone— for your contact list and I took Luca's number."

Ike continued to tell me what happened for the past six days. After a while there was a knock on the door.
"It's me, can I come in?" "It's your room, why are you asking." I gave a soft laugh as the blond haired man opens the door. Ike gave him a nod and took his spot. "Kanekuros looking for you." He told Ike and well Ike just nodded and left.

Luca sat where Ike was sitting. "I-I'm sorry." He says softly looking down at the floor. "For?" I asked, looking at the top of his head. "For secretly putting a device on you." He answered. "Are you really sorry?" "Yes, yes I am!" He says as he is now looking up at me.

The expression on his face, a sad one? Scared? Worried. "Give me a hug then." I smiled opening my arms to him. He immediately got up and gave me a hug burring himself in my arms. "I'm sorry [Y/N]." He repeated that a few times before stoping.

Then there was a comfortable silence in the room. "I know now isn't really a good time— but can you take me some where, then I'll tell you my answer." I asked as I began to play with his hair. "Mhm mhm, I'll take you anywhere." He mumbled, as I continued to run my fingers through his blond hair.


It's been a few weeks now and everything has gone back to normal. "Isn't tomorrow the day? Ike asked me ask he stretched in his chair. "Yea." I answered, focused on my work. "Do you want me to come with you?" He asked leaning over to my side of the desk. "Nah, I'm bringing Luca with me this time." I told him as I finished my my work.

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