Chapter 8

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"Okay." I say almost immediately "Get a sample and get out." Ordered Ike. "I'll catch up with you later Selen." I waved as Luca led me to the the hallway from before. Entering the first door on the right, which revealed a set of stairs.

He led me up the stairs still holding on to me and opened the door revealing a decent sized room. There were a few people here, either high on the drug, drunk, passed out or high and drunk. 'The smell here is messing with my head a bit.' "Come this way." He continued to lead me to a small corner of the room that had a booth. "Wha- Why'd you bring me here?" I asked a bit confused. He's wearing his coat and his usual attire "Well because- I missed you!" He's very- very straightforward. "He missed you!?" Shouted Ike and Selen.

I awkwardly laughed. "Wha- haha? We barely know each other?" He sat down on the inside and pulled me to sit next to him. "So? Do I have to know someone to miss them?" He asked with suck an innocent face. "W-well no? But I don't think our interactions would lead you to miss me" I simply stated as I tried to sit comfortably. "By the way." He paused, looking me up and down. "You look good in that outfit." He complimented, taking me completely off guard. "Omg is he flirting with you?!" Selen asked, also in shock.

Ike gave a small chuckle. "Uh oh, you don't handle compliments well" my face went slightly red. "Th-thanks" Luca looked at me with a surprised facial expression. "Anyway! What's that?" I changed the subject pointing at a random direction. And to my surprise I was pointing at the small tablets at another table.

He looked over at the direction and hummed joyfully. "Hmm? Oh! Thats C9 which stands for cloud 9!" He answers truthfully "You have the big boss wrapped around your finger, don't you." Ike mumbled. 'I didn't even do anything' I complained in my head as Luca kept his arm around me. "Cloud 9? That's kind of lame." I blurt out unintentionally. "Which is why it'll be kept under the radar of the police." I tilted my head to the side and looked at him. "Aren't you a celebrity? What if you get caught doing these drugs?" I asked playing dumb. He had a sudden outburst of a laughing fit. "You may have found me all wounded up that time, but rest assured I haven't take a single milligram of any type of illegal drug." He brings his arm away from me, releasing me. "Oh" I said softly as I carefully looked around the room. Actually taking in the area I was in.

There were guns on the table, lines of white powder, money, alcohol, and the tablets. 'Oh- shit' "Luca? Is there a bathroom here by any chance, I think I had to much of my drink." I asked, and he pointed at the door right next to us. "Right there." He smiled. I bowed my head a bit and got up, heading to the bathroom.

I opens the door and locked it behind me. It's a one person bathroom. 'Thank goodness' "You guys heard all of that right?" I asked as I walked away from the bathroom door. Walking to the farthest corner. "Cloud 9? Like the feeling you get when your extremely happy? Is that what the drug does to people. Sends them to a certain high." Ike questioned. I could hear Selen in the background talking to Ben. She probably headed out, gaining nothing. "Most likely, by the way, the room I'm in is quite- how do I say this. There are a lot of weapons." I squeezed my own gun maki sure it was there. "Have you managed to grab a sample?" Asked Selen. "Not yet but there's a lot on the other tables near where I'm seated." I looked at myself in the mirror. 'I do look good tonight though' I smiled at myself.

"The faster you get it the quicker you can get out so find a way to grab it yourself or get the Boss to get it for you." Suggested Ike again. I took a mirror picture as he spoke. "Alright, I'm getting out of the bathroom now." And with that I flush the toilet to make it seem like I used it, washed my hands and used the blow dryer, and I walk out. Heading back to the booth that Luca was at, and to my surprise there were small packets of small white tablets in his hand. I took my seat next to him again.

"And that is?" My voice trailed off "Cloud 9!" He happily replied. "Is this really the Mafia boss we've been watching" Ike asked sounding a bit in disbelief. 'That's what I'm saying!'

"It looked like you took an interest in it so I had someone give me a few." He smiled? Is he testing me? I cracked a smile. "If you don't take drugs— why are you offering me some?" I asked. "Take it as a simple act of kindness." He says still smiling as he recalled the time I showed him a simple act of kindness. "So your giving me drugs?" I scoffed a bit. "You should be happy! I gave you something your interested in, should you not?" He was pushing it a bit. " Do I look like I take drugs?" I genuinely asked. "If you haven't slept for a few days you could." Joked Selen in my ear. "Well no— but you asked about it so I assumed." He started to slowly put it away. 'Crap'

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