Chapter 18

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I woke up to the sound of knocking on my front door. I look up at the ceiling before fully getting up. 'I am not in the mood for more problems' I slide off my bed and snatch the extra knife on my night stand, placing it in my back pocket.

I head to the front door and open it "Isn't it a bit early to be kno- Luca? What are you doing here?" I had the door slightly opened, but now it was fully opened revealing the tall blond in front of me. "Good morning!" He chirped, holding a plastic bag up to me. "What's this?" I questioned as I took it, looking inside. "Breakfast!" I looked up at him. "For?" "For you silly." He smiles.

"That's all I wanted to give you. Have a good day today!" 'Ah should I tell him?' "I have to get going now." He turns to leave but I unintentionally grab his sleeve. "Hm?" He hums. "O-oh, nothing sorry." I mumbled looking down. "I mean I can stay if you want." He flirts. "No no it's nothing go ahead." I gesture for him to go ahead and leave and he does.

I look at the time on my watch and sigh. I walk back inside and place the food in the fridge. "I'll eat it later." I shut the fridge and change out of my night clothes.

I sigh as I run my hand through my hair, looking at myself in the mirror. "Hopefully he doesn't do anything to serious." I muttered to myself, heading out with my bag.

I put my helmet on and hop on my motorcycle. I stopped at a stop light and noticed something was hanging on my bike. 'Is that a lion charm.' I give out a soft laugh as the car in front of me starts moving again. 'When did he put that there.' I smiled to myself.

I parked my bike next to Ike car in the garage and made my way to our office room. 'I feel nervous.'
"[Y\N]!" Selen shouts from behind me as we enter the elevator. "Taichou wants us up in his office first thing in the morning." I just nodded. "Whatever you say- I believe you. You e never wronged us anyway so, if you think we will just stand there- you're wrong. Ike had told us already Ben and Nina also agree with me. That we will be on your side." I looked at her shocked and worried. "You look so nervous right now, it's all over your face." She laughed. "Thank you Selen." I smile, my nerves are through the roof right now.

We walk out of the elevator, the office atmosphere was still the same welcoming energy it was. But as soon as we stepped foot into the office. "Everyone take a seat." Sonny orders, everyone, Nina, Ben, Ike, Selen, Alban, and I, listens. The pressure in the room heavy.

I took my seat in between Ike and Selen and across from us was Ben and Nina. Alban sat on the corner of Sonny's desk like a cat.

He slides a small box onto the table. "[Y/N]." He says my name and I look at him. "Yes sir." I reply, sitting up straight. "How long have you been interacting with the Mafia Boss, Luca Kaneshiro." 'Fuck' "For about a month, sir." I answered truthfully.

"When was the first time you came in contact with him." He asked. "I found him injured in a alleyway... sir." I said truthfully, again. "And you helped him." He stated. "I didn't know it was him at first as there was someone running deeper into the alleyway, I was going to chase after the person but I heard a groan next to me." Everyone took everything I said in. "It was dark so proceeded to help the injured man. Until I took him into the sun that's when I realized who he was." I paused, and Ike placed a hand on my back to tell me that it's alright. "I couldn't just ya know leave him there- I tried taking him to the hospital but he said no so I just- took him home." I muttered last part.

"Well- enough of that. Come here." He orders, leaning back in his chair. I stand up, gulping as I take the few steps that it takes to stand in front of his desk. "Open up that box." He orders and I do so.

It's a "This is our smallest tracker model." I said. "Yes, indeed it is. But this one can be used so we can listen in on what he does." I immediately protest. "I don't think we should do that." "It's been a month, you don't think he would've placed his own listening device on you?" He says in a stern tone. "He isn't like that." I disagreed. "Maybe that's what he wants you to think." He pauses and looks at my neck. "Like that necklace for instance. He gave that to you right? When." He questions.

"Yes he did and yesterday." I answered placing the tracker back into the box. "Did you ever check it? It's never bad to be safe." He says "No and I don't need to check it."

"Enough of that already, the next time you see him. Put it in his phone case or wallet or something." He orders using his status voice against me. "Y-yes sir" my head hangs as I look at the box in my hand. "You are all witnesses, you are all dismissed." And he shoos us out of the room.

As soon as he dismissed us out of his room I grabbed my keys and bag and left the building. "[Y/N]!" Ike calls out to me, as I'm mounting my motorcycle. "Where are you going?" He asks, as he stops in front of me. "Where else would I be going when I'm feeling like this." I said as I stretched my arms out, bringing them to my chest after. Ike had a pity full expression on his face. "The shooting range." He answers.

"I'll be turning my phone off so nothing distracts me. If you need something from me your gonna have to come down to the dojo." I told him and he just nodded, walking out of my way. And with that I drove off to the dojo.

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