Chapter 5

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I made it home and, as soon as I did, I noticed the lights were on. 'Oh my g- I thought he would leave.' I took a deep breath before unlocking and pushing the door open. Of course as soon as I did I heard a gun click.

I looked straight ahead. "That's not a very nice way to say thank you to the person who helped you." I said in a nonchalant tone as I placed my helmet on the table next to the door. "You're the owner of this house?" Questioned the man holding a gun pointed at me. "Well, yes, seeing as how I just unlocked the door, I'd like to assume so." I replied raising and eyebrow and placing a hand on my hip. "Could you put your gun away now, that's a bit rude of you." I commented, pointing at his gun. "How should I know your safe." He questioned tightening his grip on the gun. "Sir," I held my breath for a second and exhaled. "I don't think I would've helped you if I thought YOU were dangerous. Obviously I didn't know you had a gun on you until I took you to my home." I sassed as I walked toward him.

"It would be such a drag if I were to help you, take you home, find out you had a gun, and then put you back to where I found you." I scoffed "But since I'm just so nice I couldn't just leave you there. Besides you wouldn't let me call the ambulance." He slowly lowers his gun and sits down on the couch with hands holding his head.

He looked back up at me. "You- you don't know who I am?" I mentally flinched and quickly responded with "Are you a celebrity? If so I wouldn't know since I don't watch TV often." I shrugged, it's true I don't watch Tv. "You could say that." He says looking away. 'Celebrity my ass, you're a Mafia Boss for crying out loud.' "Uhm you have a cut on your face?" He says, with his hands held together under his chin. "Oh," I touched it wincing a bit "I forgot about that." I walked off and grabbed the med kit I had previously put away.

I moved to the kitchen table, I could feel his eyes on me, and placed it on the table grabbing whatever I needed. As I took everything out, I went to grab the Alcohol. But before I grabbed it he snatched it. I could feel him behind me even though he wasn't touching me."Uhm, excuse me?" I said a bit startled. He barely made no noise when he walked over here. "O-oh, sorry," he pulls his hand back and shuffles to my side."Let me help you, since you helped me." He stated. I looked at him and the sight before me was not what I was expecting.

He looks like a sad golden retriever right now. I opened my mouth to protest but nothing came out. I sighed "Alright." His face lit up and said "Pog!"He moves me to sit on the one of the chairs and grabs a cotton ball and the tweezer. "Close your eyes please." He asks softly and I obliged. 'How can someone who's supposedly mean and evil, possibly act like this?!' I kept my eyes closed and as I did he gently used his pointer finger and thumb to tilt my head up a bit. 'Oh my-' "Sorry, I don't do this often." He apologizes as he wiped the alcohol swab on my cut. I winced in pain as he held my chin and cleaned the cut. "Mn." Is all I said as he took care of the wound.

He then placed a band aid over it. "You can open your eyes now." He says as he puts the used items away. I watched as he did and if he had a tail I bet it would be wagging right now. "So what's your name?" I asked as I leaned back onto my chair, watching him closely as he puts the med kit away. "Uh- uhm," he's hesitating "Nevermind, it's alright you don't-" he cuts me off "My names Luca." He turns and looks at me as he said that.

'This man- he actually said his real name?!' I'm in shock?! Right now "What's your name?" He asked, as he is now standing next to me. " [Y/N]- [Y/N] [L/N]" I told him as I looked up at him.

He looked happy? He seriously looks like a dog right now. "Nice to meet you [Y/N]!" He smiles brightly, as if he's lighting up the room. 'This is insane! Insanity!?' "Nice to meet you too Luca" I respond back with a smile of my own.

"So are you going to crash here? Not that I mind but don't you have a home to go back to?" I asked standing up making him move out of the way. I made my why to my fridge and took out a bottle water. I offered one to him but he shook his head no. "Oh," he looks away "It's good to- to take a break from your own home." He says scratching the back of his head. "Well alright," I shrugged "I'll get you a better pillow and blanket." I say as I walked over to a closet by the living room. "It's fin-" I cut him off "No, you are in my house so I will give you a better pillow and blanket." I snapped my head at him and he backed off.

I could see his dog ears, if he had any, droop down. "Oh how are you feeling. When I check earlier you had a slight fever." I asked as I brought my hand to his forehead and mine. A light blush started to appear on his face but I ignored it. "I-I'm fine now, thank you." He responds as he back away from my hand. I just nod and then my attention back to the closet. Grabbing an extra pillow and blanket.

"If you need anything to drink or eat you can help yourself. My room is at the end of the hall way if you need anything from me and the bathroom is the first door on your left as you enter the hallway." I inform him, pointing at everything as I spoke. "Thank you!" He said happily. "No problem, I'm gonna go get ready to sleep, so feel free to watch Tv or head to sleep." He just nods his head and moves towards the couch. He's like a bit gold retriever dog.

After doing my night routine I went to the living room to check on the "celebrity". He was fast asleep, the blanket falling off of him. As I went to fix it for him he grabbed my wrist. I looked at him with a slightly startled expression and he quickly realized and let go. "Sorry!" He shouts "It's fine, it's my fault for doing something near you while you were sleeping. It was just, your blanket was falling off of you." I said, reassuring him that it's okay. After letting him go to bed I make my way to my own room and fall fast asleep as soon as my head hid the pillow.

[His Treasure] Luca Kaneshiro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now