Chapter 24

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The man holding the gun smirked at me as he took a few steps forward, making the gun touch my forehead and making me step back into the light. "Kanekuro" I said, making sure my team heard me. "Tell your little friends to go ahead and leave, with out you." He clicked the safety. I huffed out a worried sigh, "You guys heard him,"

"We can't- we aren't going to leave you!" Shouted Ike. "Just go Ike! You trust my skills yea?" I said, putting on a brave face. "What a hero." Comments the black haired man. Everyone stayed silent. "Selen get out of here." I ordered. "As a friend I can't do that [Y/N]." She states.

"And as your leader that's an order, for all of you." Standing my ground, 'As long as they are okay- as long as they are okay I'll be fine.' I reassured myself as It sounded like Selen started the car cut off the connection.

Kanekuro took out my own earpiece and dropped it to the floor stomping on it. "What do you want." I sassed, folding my arms. "What a mean look you have in your eyes." And after he said that something was stabbed into me from behind causing my sight to go blurry. I started to stumble "Wha- what did you just-" I cut myself off as I fainted.


I opened my eyes and what I saw before was sight I didn't think I would ever see. It was Luca. He was in his room, the room itself just being his bed, it looked like a tornados went passing through. I tried to call out to him but nothing came out. It was like all I could do was watch. Then he said something. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry- I shouldn't have done that." He muttered as he sat at the edge of his bed, elbows on his knees and his forehead down on his hands. He was a disheveled mess. "I just wanted to keep you safe." 'What?' "Where did you go?!" He says loudly 'I'm right here!' "It's been - days. I miss you- I'm sorry- please come back." 'H-how many days has it been? I can't hear you' soon his voice starts to fade.

Then cold water is splashed over me


"Wakey wakey" was what I heard as I groaned, the light being so bright. "Wow you actually woke up this time. I was afraid you were dead or something." It was Kanekuro. "Wh-what are you talking about?" I asked, my face still scrunched up from the coldness of the water and the light that I felt like I haven't seen in a while. "Oh of course you wouldn't know!" He chirped.

"It's been 6 days!" He shouted. Sounding happy as if he had just completed an experiment. "S-six days?!" I shouted back. I was going to move but then I was immediately stopped by the cold feeling around my wrist and the rope around my body. "What the fuck- What is this?!" I shouted, starting to wiggle and struggle. "Ah ah Ah." He said in a song song voice. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, look around your for but why don't you." He says cocking his head to the side.

I looked at my surroundings and that's when it hit me. "THE OCEAN?!" I practically shouted at the top mod my lungs. "Good observation." He smirks up at me as he issues a remote to put me farther into it. I looked at myself and noticed I still have everything on me. 'But what's the point- I can't even grab anything. He left it there on purpose.' I glared at him.

Then he says something out loud, something familiar. "Don't come looking for me. Or else you won't get the answer you want. What a shame that was the last thing you told him. You even took the little pendent he gave you off." He comments playing with a knife in his hands. I stayed quiet. "You honestly should have just kept it on. He gave that to you to keep you safe from me." He laughs loudly. "But since you took it off- I can do whatever I want, with out being interrupted."

"You're crazy." I said, "that's not the first time I heard that, dear" he smiles at me. "You've been a pain in the ass. Every time after every meeting he would run off to see you. Leaving behind his duties as a Mafia boss. Though he kept up with his work, but usually he would continue and work ahead of time."

"And what's the problem?" I asked genuinely confused. "He still finished his work right?"

"Being a Mafia Boss isn't just some work you finish. You have to think ahead of time against the competitors. He stopped doing that so he could have more time with you. Do you know how much mess my team had to clean up because he didn't think ahead of time? He almost- almost got shot twice during a transaction." He glared up at me.

"That's my fault?" I questioned. "Yes it is, so the only way to fix that problem? Get rid of the thing that caused it." He frowned.

He continued to ramble on about how it was my fault but I turned my attention towards my watch. Ike's words rang through my head "Press the power button five times. It'll send me your location and we can go and rescue you." Ike gave me this watch after a year of working with him. "Thank you so much Ike! Though I don't think I'll need it." I said to him. "Its a good thing that you don't need it but this is just for safety since you will be the one out and about while I'm safely covered somewhere far."

I pressed the button five times and there was a soft beep. 'Thank goodness it still works.' Soon I was ripped out of my thoughts as a loud bang was heard and there was a sudden pain in my side. I groaned out loud as I looked down at it. 'He fucking shot me.'

My blood dripped down in to the water below me. "Pay attention when I'm talking to you." He voice was cold. I glared down at him as my body was hanging almost limply as the pain runs throw my body. I groaned as the wind blew a bit hard against my causing shivers to run through me.


It's been a few hours now.

"Ah you're starting to become a bit boring- I think it's time to let you go. To bad Luca isn't here." And again, like he was listening the whole time someone shouted "Kanekuro!" Causing said person to run around. As soon as he turned around a pinch was sent to his face. "Brother? How'd you get here?" Kanekuro question. 'I remember calling Ike for help, not Luca.

"Didn't I tell you to keep your hands off of [Y/N]!" He shouted, as Kanekuro was getting up Luca grabbed him by the collar. "I wanna have fun too ya know." Kanekuro answers back. "But I got bored pretty fast so-" he cuts himself off as he pulls out a remote form his pocket and pressed it.

And when he did, "Luca!" I shouted before I was dropped into the water below me, still bleeding out.

Panic started to rush through my body. 'Why couldn't Ike just come, where is he!? Luca can't swim well, there's no way he's going to jump in.'

I tried to calm myself. My breath starting to leave. I wiggled and struggled against my constraints. The chains plus the rope. 'What do I do!?' Mentally shouting as I'm about to lose consciousness once again. 'Please, someone...'

The water started to feel nice again my skin and hair as I started to steady float down. The red color steadily flowing out of me. My eyes soon begin to shut. What a crazy life I've lived. I wonder what would've happened if I had just left him there.

Well there's no wondering now.

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