Chapter 6

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I lazily got up and stretched my arms up before getting off of the bed.

I made my way to the bathroom and do my morning routine. Looking in the mirror, I touched the band aid on my face. 'What a weirdo'. I changed into black slacks and pulled on a white button up top and a [F/C] sweater over it. I grabbed my gun and placed it in the back of my pants.

Walking out of the bathroom I hear my front door click open. 'It's to early in the morning for this.' I grumbled as I pulled out my gun and quietly made my way to the living room. Soon I heard footsteps. I swung myself in front of the entrance, pointing my gun at the person. It touched their chest, as soon as it fully registered in my head I lowered my gun with a sigh.

"Good morning to you too. That's very dangerous." He commented as he looks down at me. "If it was dangerous— you would have flinched." I commented as I put my gun away. "Anyway, what's that?" I pointed at the plastic bag in his hands. He brought it up and opened it in front of me. "It's food!" He chirped, I looked at my watch. "I'm going to be la-." I looked back up at him and again this man had puppy dog eyes. 'This- I- this right here is INSANE! What kind of mafia boss-' I huffed out another sigh in defeat.

"You didn't have to." I said as I grabbed the bag and walk over to the kitchen table. "But you saved me so," his voice trailed off "You don't have to feel indebted to me. I was just showing a simple act of kindness." Looking at him, he sat down and said "Then I am also doing a simple act of kindness." He smiled. "Luca." He flinched as I said his name 'Shouldn't have told me your real name if you are gonna react like that stupid.'  "You're a celebrity right? Isn't your manager or something going to get worried?" I asked, taking a seat and taking out the food, placing them out in front of us.

He didn't answer, he just thanked me for the food and dug in. I just shrugged and also ate my food.

We finished our food and I thanked him for the food. "You're welcome!" He said happily. "Well I have to get going now, I'm going to be late." I said as I looked down at my watch again. "Okay, thank you for letting me crash here [Y/N]!" 'If I didn't know who he actually was, I would've thought he was just a regular overly nice person.' "No problem. Make sure you throw all this out before you leave." I said, getting up and fixing myself. "Can I stay one more day?" He asked, gathering all the trash on the table. "And why would you do that?" I asked genuinely curious.

He stayed quiet and didn't answer, again. "At least give me a reason to let you stay." I sighed out. "Because you're nice." He said, smiling up at me. 'Seriously-' "What?!" I shouted, accidentally. "What? Are you not?" He asked, tilting his head to the side like a dog. 'Thi- I- I am at a loss for words.' I took my phone out, unlocking it and handed it to him. "Give me your number." I ordered to which he happily obliged. He gave my phone back to me and I called his number. His phone rang and he answered. "Hello!" He had the biggest smile on his face. "If you want to come over just call or text me." And then I hung up. "Really?!" He stood up slamming his hands on the table. "Sure since I'm so kind, Luca" and with that I really had to go so I said goodbye and left.

'I don't think he'd look through anything. And even if he did- there wouldn't be much information about my work place.' I hopped on my motorcycle and went to work.


"Taichou, last nights mission was almost a fail. They knew we were there watching or it felt like they did." Reported Selen as we all sat around the oval shaped table. "So I heard." He said, his finger under his chin and his other hand holding the report. "Reimu Endou, the ghost leader, selling drugs. Another type of drug that hasn't been released yet." He muttered "Another character who seemed to look like the Mafia boss but isn't." He continued. "We will look into this more when we get the chance too. We have little evidence to go off of as of right now. If we are able to, we will take action again. But right now," he pauses and points to the board. "The person who wiped out the T clan is on the loose. We've managed to narrow it down to a one person job, but who that person is? We don't know."

"I heard there was going to be a drug deal happening is XX club tonight." Commented Ike, typing away on his keyboard. "Selen and I can go." I chipped in. "We can try and take a sample of the drug while we are there." I added, leaning back in my chair. "I heard it's going to be a big event. Isn't a it a bit dangerous for just the two of you?" Worried Nina as she leaned on her arms. "The fewer of us there are the better I think." Says Selen as she agreed with me. "And how will I trust you guys this time? The last time you two went, the place went up in flames." Sonny said with a bit of attitude as he crossed his arms. "Well this one will be something like a party so" my vice trailed off "Come on Taichou that was a one time thing." Selen said as she begged him to let us take this job. He gave in pretty quickly.

"Alright, BUT make sure you guys don't get carried away." Me and Selen cheered as we high fived each other. "You two will being going tonight so get your work done as soon as you can." Reminded Taichou.

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