Chapter 13

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I ducked down as a few of the men literally threw themselves at me. My arm is seriously killing me right now. I cursed under breath again. I kept running. I don't remember this area being that big.

As I was running along the walls to find the door to the stairwell someone appeared informs of me pointing their gun at me. I quickly grabbed my own pistol from my back and shot their thigh. They screams in pain as they fell. I jumped over that person only to be grabbed by the foot causing me to land on my injured arm. "Fuck!" I shouted I looked down at the guy who grabbed my leg and kicked them in the face causing them to let me go. "[Y/N]! Are you alright? Do you see a stair well yet?" Ike asks sounding extremely worried. "Yes yes I'm fine." I say, lying through my teeth. "I see one informs of me I'm about to go in."

A few more people threw themselves at me and I lifted my leg side kicking your chest making them fall backwards onto the person behind him. "How under paid are you guys!" I grumbled at I ran to the door swinging it open and slamming it closed locking it. "Ike!" I shout "Head 4 levels down." He responded quickly.

Before I start moving I catch my breath and glance at my shoulder as blood runs down it. "[Y/N]! You got shot!?" He curses "I knew I should've went with you." "Its fine, no biggie." I say forcing a smile at the camera. Then there was A slam against the door I was leaning on causing me to stumbled forward a bit. 'I gotta get out of here'

I hurriedly ran down the stairs. I jumped down a set of stairs but immediately regretted it as the force from my landing went up to my arm. I groaned in pain and leaned against the risk for support. "Just run down the stars normally you have 2 more to go." I just nod and as soon as I run down the next a body guard spots me and runs toward me and with out thinking I shout "Luca!" The man in front of me freezes and I run past him.

I let out a nervous laugh as I just used Luca's name. "Smart thinking." Said Ike. "Thanks." I soon hear the man's footsteps behind me again and I burst through the door. I'm in the garage. 'Ah I just had to park far.' "Get back here!" The body guard shouts and as I turned to look behind me while I ran, I bumped into a big figure in front of me, causing me to stumble backwards, falling. Before I get the floor I felt an arm around my waist. 'Crap—' I glance upward to the person holding me and of course. "L-Luca." I mumbled in disbelief? Fear? Shock?

"[Y/N]!? What are you doing here?" He questions with a smile on his face which quickly fades as he notices the blood dripping down my arm. Soon the person who's as chasing me catches up to me. "Hey!-" as soon as he opened his mouth the Boss in front of me stared down at him. "B-boss!" He says as I grip onto Luca's shirt with whatever strength I had left. The look in his eyes were terrifying that I couldn't help but start shaking. 'What the hell-' It's probably because I'm so weak right now.

But I still felt relieved that he was here.

"Do you want me to come over?" Asked Ike. I looked for the camera he was looking through and slightly shook my head no. "Alright, I trust that you'll be okay." I give a small nod thanking him for his trust.

"Were you the one who did this?" Luca's voice deep and filled with anger. 'No it was your psycho twin.' "Actually— I don't care." He pulls out his gun with his other hand shoots the man. I was currently facing Luca so I couldn't see where he shot him but shortly after he shot there was a loud thud. "He just killed him." Ike informs me through the ear piece.

I dare not move as I felt like if I did I'd be the next one shot. I'm still slightly shaking. 'Damn, stop shaking!!' "[Y/N]," his voice still laced with anger.
I stared down at his tattooed chest not wanting look at him. "I thought I told you to tell me if you were coming here." He grips onto my arms causing me to gasp in pain as his hand was right below the wound. He quickly retracts his hand and sighs, running his hand through his hair. He still had his arm around my waist.

I still had my hold on his shirt. 'He's angry' I let go of him. The first thing coming to my mind is my own safety. I panicked. I pushed him away from me. I stumbled back a little from the lose of support. I still haven't looked him in the eyes. 'I barely know this guy— snap out of it' I stared at the floor struggling to not collapse from the lose of blood. "I-" I fucking stuttered. "I forgot my phone at home and s-so I—" he cuts me off.

I am now a few feet away from him. But still within arms length reach. "I didn't ask for an excuse." He states. "It's not an excuse." I mumbled. "You could've used another phone." He states again. His words a bit harsh. "Wha- I basically just got your phone number." I feel a bit frustrated from the way he's acting. "We almost barely know each other." I raise my voice a bit. Still staring at the ground. "Why do you care so much, aren't we just using each oth-" I looked up at him and the expression on his face wasn't what I was expecting. "Why do you look like that." I said softly.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" He asked taking a step towards me. The expression on his face— he's worried, extremely worried. "That you have an interest in me?" I questioned, taking a step back. "Why does that matter!?" I shouted. I winced from the pain in my arm.

"Obviously that means I like you, so I'm naturally going to care about you!" He shouts back. It echoed through out the garage. "Look I don't know what games you Mafia Bosses play bu-" he cuts me off and closes the gap between us taking me back in his arms.

This lack of blood is seriously making me irrational.

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