Love one (chapter 1)

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After your car crash .You were in hospital .Ron was by your side whit his daughter .
You hate to see him there .What happen ? Why your head hurt so much ? Were are the others ? Are they ok?

You look over ar Ron .And he smile

,,Y/N you are finaly awake !"He say as he try to hug you but you just denai

,,For how long have I been here ?"You ask

,,5 months maybe 6" He say looking at you

,,5 or 6 months ! Are the others ok ?"You say starting to worry .You told them you are never gonna leave them and now you leave them for 5 months .Poor thing

,,The others? Who are you talking about?"

,,Fun time foxy, Fun time freddy, Bon Bon, Ballora and Baby .Are they ok ?"

,,Those animatronics at the old pizzeria?"

,,They aren't just animatronics. They are my friends one of them my boyfriend now fiancé !"

,,Y/N calm down.They are just animatronics I got the place and a guy work there for me last month .But then the animatronics went mising "

You look at him as a tear fall down .How? How did you let this happen ?

Back to these days

You and Ron all ready buy a new pizzeria .It's was small but you to got a lot of money from it .It's been also 5 years since....
Let's just not talk about that

,,Y/N look I found something !"

Ron saying as he was holding a box in his hands

,,If there are ants in that. I will slap you"You say whit a smile at him .He just open the box there were a lot of plushis

,,I know you like those things so take what you like and the rest I will give it to Lily"

You look in the box .There were plushes of them of your old friends.All tell you that this must be a dream from were you were in that coma

You take the 4 plushes and get them in your car

,,You guys I know you were real .I leave you they told me that I was crazy .I hope I will see you agian "You close the car door and walk back in the pizzeria.

,,You will see us."

You stop at the door. Who was that you turn around and saw a wire in the air then it dispare

,,What-? You know what I love being alive so no way "You say walking back in the pizzeria

Kids were runing around and play

,,Y/N can you go in to the ofice ? We found an old animatronic on the aley. Can you plase check there condition. Maybe we can fix them "

,,Sure !"

You open the door .You then found your self in a black room whit an animatronic a table a chair and a tape.
You sit in the chair and look at the animatronic

,,Baby?" You look at the animatronic and a tear fall down you face ,,There is no way I trow you in that aley to stay whit the trash ."

You start to complet the questions about if she move or not

,,I am so happy to see you. If you can't hear me I hope that you know that I mise all of you 5 .I wonder were are the others "

There were some moments of silance

,,They are here "

You look back at her

,,Really?! Were? Sorry I am happy if you can't tell "

,,It's been 5 years Y/N.Did you hate us ?Like Ron have told us ?"

You look at Baby in shock .What have Ron told them

,,What did Ron tell you guys ?!"

,,That you use us and you are not gonna come back"Baby look at you

,,That is a lie! I got in a car crash and he told me that all the time we spend together were just a dream in my coma.THAT BASTARD WILL PAY !"

,,Y/N calm down .I am angry to on him now but you can't see. But I am worry what the others will think .But Foxy didn't do very good since you left"

You forget about Foxy

,,Foxy....What happen to the rest if you are like this .I think the rest is much worst"

,,Yea.But now if you want you can get to the ofice and I tell them.We will be there "


You walk out the door .Ron was looking on his phone .
You ignor him like who care now about this bitch ?

You walk in the ofice and start to order stuff. You heard something from the left went a laught and Baby got from the right went

,,Sorry if I scare you"

,,A little bit. But were are the others ? Are they mad at me ?"

,,Only one of them"

You look on the left went

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