The others (chapter 7)

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(Skipping to the next day because I am lazy and it's 3 am 🤠)

You let the others crawl around .As you look at the new animatronic you bought, her name was Fun Time Chica Your pizzeria is having 3 animatronics that those are :Fun time Chica ,Happy Frog and El Chip

You want to get Mr.Hippo too but something told you he isn't the best idea .

,,Y/N!"You turn around to see Michael

,,Oh hey Michael. Why are you here that early?"

,,Ron told me to get his position wen he is out if the town .So that mean I am your boss now "He say smiling

,,No you aren't me and Ron are co-workers so that mean you are my co-worker "You say walking over to a table

,,Anyway is this yours?"Michael say as he pick up Molten Freddy in his cat form

,,Yes and don't touche my baby "You say as you take Molten from Michael

He give you a -.- face

Baby walk over you and jump on your shoulders this time she chose a parrot

,,So can I ask you something?"

,,You already did hun"Michael say pulling a chair

,,Do you think you can fix Baby and the others?"

They all look at you

,,I need-"

,,We can get back to the old pizzeria I can pick them up."You say looking at Michel

,,Ok but I don't know if I can fix Molten. Because the wires are all mix up "

You look at Molten

,,Do you guys can separate each other?"

,,Of course we can cupcake!"Freddy say

Michael look at you and clean his trough

,,Michael if you want to get pay extra .I will pay you."You say

,,No .Not that but I found a black bear animatronic last night here and I want to ask you why didn't you throw him ."

,,I can't throw her !.You get here I will get in the office ."

,,Bye hun !"

You pick Molten and Baby up and when in the office. You saw that in the vent was Lefty

,,Hello Lefty!"


,,Oh sorry...."You wishes as you sit in the chair and put the others down .They turn in to their animatronic forms

,,What bring you here ?Were is Eli?"

,,Elizabeth playing whit some kid and I want to give you some company"

,,Thank you ."

,,So can you told me about the others ?"

,,Ohh yes .So William kill 5 kids before me there names were :Susie,Fritz,Gabriel,Jeremy and Casidy.I have meet them before theyr souls wen free .They were nice kid and love the pizzeria but they put theyr trust in the wrong person. "

,,Oh poor kid .I don't want to imagine how a soul is stuck in a single place. "You look at the three animatronics

,,Is horrible but after some time it get more boring and boring .But I believe that if they got the chance to meet you. They will like you "

,,Maybe I can get the soul out of you."You say as you got up. But Lefy try to put you back

,,It's ok Y/N no need to."

,,Ok then .I will go for your parts "You say looking at Molten and Baby

,,Y/N dear we can wait ."Ballora say

,,Yea N/N we can wait "Baby and Bon say

,,You 5 can wait but I can't .Just imagine if we can fix you maybe you will get your human body's back !"

,,Shh"Lefty got up from the vent

,,Oh yea sorry "

,,No problem. And that is a good idea "Lefty whisper to you

,,So guys want to come?"

,,I want to stay whit Charlie and Elizabeth "

,,Ok you guys ?"You say looking at Molten

,,My dear Freddy and Foxy will love to but Bon and I don't really want to go.."

,,It's ok spider mom .Bye I will be right back "

You walk out the door and went to your car

,,Did she call me spider mom? It's lovely!"Ballora say as Molten went in the vents

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