The true about Baby(chapter 9)

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,,Do you really need to be that noisy?"

,,It's not my fault Bon just slam the door"

,,It's practically yours because Bon is your pet "

,,Fist of all fox how dare you "

,,Fist of all only Y/N can call me fox and second of all you may wake up
Y/n "

You  listen to their fight for the past hour

,,I am all ready awake .I listen to all the fight ."

,,Sorry cupcake "

,,Yeah sorry sugar."Foxy say looking over at Freddy who had his hand on your waist

,,You two aren't that good at being quiet. I will go see if the girls are awake "You say getting up

,,They are awake ."Foxy say

,,Really ? Good to know I will go at the pizzeria you 5 want to come ?"

,,No we are good sugar ."Foxy say walking over to the door ,,I will go see Elizabeth. Bye"

*Skiping time you all ready at the pizzeria 🤩*

FunTimeFoxy Pov

I was on the sofa whit Freddy Ballora  Bon and Elizabeth the only one that wasn't there was the Circus brat .And Y/N think she is an angel she never see the real Baby.

,,FUNTIMEFOXY!"The little brat scream from the door

Oh sh*t what have I done this time?

,,I wish Y/N was here."Ballora say

,,Uhh! You wish but wishes never come true."Baby  say entering the living room

,,Baby why do you need to be like that whit us ?"

,,Because you dumb bear ."Baby say looking at Freddy ,,You made all those years hell for me even wen we were at the pizzeria after and before Y/N come and save us "The little brat look from Freddy at me

Great!I say to myself

,,But why are you so nice to Y/N?"Ballora ask

,,You all put to many questions I wish we were still at the pizzeria so I can give you a control shock. Anyway I am nice to her because she save us !"

Baby look back at me.

,,And you if you ever tell Y/N about all of this you will get what Freddy get !"She say point at Freddy

Dame that really put you thinking is this the love Circus Baby .

I just nod and see how Circus walk away.

She broke Fun time Freddy voice box it wasn't Bon that did it .It was her

,,Do you think we can get rid of her ?"Elizabeth

,,I hope dear ."Ballora say looking at me and Freddy ,,I wonder how whit out Y/N help ."

,,We would get rid of her .But not now ."I say looking at the window

We continue to watch the movie we were watching

*Time skip*

Second person :

You open the door to your apartment and enter

,,Guys I am home "Baby run from her room and hug you

,,The next time you don't forget about me ."Baby say

,,I won't."You look at the door to the living room and Foxy open it

He run over you and pick you up

,,Hey sugar~~ How was your day ?"He say smiling at you

,,Great. Were is Freddy?"

,,Here cupcake!"Freddy walking over to you

,,Oh great so the next day I need you all to be at the pizzeria Michel found an old animatronic and maybe we can fix it "

,,Sounds great "Freddy say as Foxy put you down

,,I will go take a shower then we can watch a movie what do you think?"

,,I will love the idea N/N"Baby say

You went in the bathroom

Baby look over at FunTimeFoxy and FunTimeFreddy  and let out a giggle

,,You two don't have a change Y/N will trust me when I will force Elizabeth to say something about throwing all of ya ! You know she made this hell a little bit more exciting and happy I won't get rid of her ."Baby walk over to Freddy

Then she slap him and then punch Foxy in the stomach

,,You two are useless."

She look at the bathroom door and wait thill she heard the water

,,You know what all of you are useless. You two better keep your mouth shut"

Foxy growl in pain and Freddy just nod it as he help Foxy stand up

Baby wen to the living room and shut the door behind her

,,You good?"Freddy ask

,,Yeah.I think I know a way how we can get rid if her "Foxy say holding his stomach

,,How she know everything that  moves here ."

,,I need Y/N and Baby  out if the  apartment for some minutes and then I explain."

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