Molten Freddy (chapter 2)

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And back a litle bit just to let a bunch of wiers get in to the ofice

,,Y/N-N ?!"

You saw that the bunch of wiers had a fun time freddy looking mask

,,Guys ?"

The wiers pick you up to be face to face whit them

,,Guys put Y/N down.I know you are happy but let her speak "

,,B-But" The eye were turning from the pink to yellow

That is how you may know who is talking .By the color of there eyes .That mean that Foxy is talking

A wier try to hold you hand .You smile

,,Guys what happen to you all ?"

,,After you left Freddy told us you go get cleaning stuf we wait .But the next day you didn't come we start to worry .After a month or two we enard our selfs and escape the pizzeria "

,,Wait .You guys why didn't turn in to your humans forms and just go to use the elevator ?"

,,We try but it didn't work...."

,,So-o after t-tha-t we-e look for-r you!"The eyes turn blue so Freddy was talking to you

,,Oh yea I forget Ron told us what I told you but we didn't belive it .But after a year we just...... lose our hopes. But Foxy still look for you another year before we told him that well. I think you all ready know "

,,YOU WERE ALL LIERS!" The eyes were now yellow .So that mean Foxy talk .Some wiers bring you close to the him

,,Hey it's ok guys no need to-"

A knock at the door of the ofice can be heard

,,Y/N ! Can you close the pizzeria. I can't Lily wait for me at home I let's the key on one of the party tables !"


You open a little bit the door and see how Ron got in the car

,,Hey can you help me here ?" You look down a wier was still on your leg

,,S-Sure my d-dear "The eyes turn purple

( Sorry but I read the book the Ultimate Guide Five Nights at Freddy's.And it's say that the purple eye is for Ballora and the magents one is Bon Bon )

,,But were is Bon ?"

,,I am here-e yøu bitch-h ." From the purple they turn magenta .And a wier slap you

,,Bon you were the one mad at me ? I was thinking it was Foxy ."

,,Well-l hę s-sho-ould be !We all should be "

Why was Bon Bon mad at you ?

,,Bon! She had a car crash that's why. And every one told her that she was crazy becose she belive in us ! "

,,Why-y we should-d t-trust her agian?"


,,It's ok Baby .Well Bon is right you all should be mad at. I will go clean so want to help ?"

,,Yes wait for us !"

Baby Pov:

I look at Y/N as she walk out the door and close it

,,Really Bon ? You don't see that she mise us?"

,,I don't care"

His voice wasn't gliche so he was serios

,,But why are you mad at her ?"

,,Foxy and Freddy were crazy all those 5 years for her .I can't any more I am sure Ballora is on my side "

,,I know .But look she didn't change and she told me everything. Wen she was checking on me ."

,,Bon-n I a-am so-o sorry .But I am-m on the others-s side " I look and Ballora was talking

,,Fine!If-f she forget-t abo-out us agian is-s y-your problem-m "

,,She didn't forget.She can't never."I say walking out of the room whit them right after me

I saw Y/N talking whit a man.I look at his skin it was purple

,,Michel ?"

Second persone Pov:

You turn around and saw Baby and the others

,,Oh hey guys .I was going to work here "Michel say

,,Wait you all 6 know each other?"

,,Yea they enard me so that they can look for you."

You turn to look at Michel

They kill some one just to see you agian?

,,So that's why you are-"

,,Purple?I know. So about the job I can get it ?"

,,Sure we really need others hand to help us ."

,,Thanks! But I never know you were Foxy's girlfriend "

You blush and look back at them

,,Bon-n told-d h-him"freddy say

You smile at them

,,So Michel you are gonna work the night sift whit me .And can you fix there voice box?"You point to the others

,,I see what I can do.So you all aren't enard any more so how do I call you?"Michel ask

,,You can still call me Baby .We all respond by our names .But it will be easy for them to call them Molten Freddy .And if you want call me Scrap Baby "Baby say walking over to you and try to hug you whit out hurthing you

,,If Bon is rude to you say to me"She wisper

,,Sure "You say

You look down to see a wier on your leg .Baby pull away from the hug .It was Foxy

You smile at him and went to him .He pick you up and hug you

,,I really-y mise you-u. "

You hug him back

,,Ay! You two love birds .Come one Molten we fix you .Y/N,Baby I need your help "

,,Do you think I can really help?"Baby ask looking at her other hand

,,Of course.Now Y/N hun I need you to pres the button on his back .I will look in the wiers to see were his voice box may be"

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