!Just a cute thing I forget !

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So this was before you went dead I guess (I put one of my favorite songs here )

So you and the others were done shopping for some new clothes .And this song start as you start to sing the others join ya !

,,I think it's so cute and I think it's so sweet~~" You sing

,,How you let your friend encourage you to try and talk whit me " Baby sing from the back seat

,,But let me stop you there. Oh before you speak "Ballora join

,,Nah to the ah to the no,no,no !"Bon try to sing

,,My name is "

,,No"Foxy join you

,,My sign is "


,,My number is "


,,You need to let it go,uh"Freedy join

(I am gona put Fr- Freddy Fo-Foxy B-Ballora Ba-Baby and Bon to let you all know who sing)

,,You need to let it go,uh"Ba

You start to drive a little bit faster

,,Need to let it go,uh"Y/N

,,Nah to the ah to the no no,no"Bon

,,My name is "Fo


,,My sign is "Fr


,,My number is"Fr and Fo


The radio stop

,,OH COME ON !" Baby say

,,Don't worry Baby  here put it on my phone I have it on my play list "You say as you give her your phone

,,Can we put this one ?"Ballora ask

,,Witch one ?"

,,She us crazy but she is mine "Bon say

,,Sure put it "

The  song star to play

,,SHE IS CRAZY BUT SHE IS MINE!"Baby start to sing

,,DAME I LOSE MY MIND!' Bon join her


,,I want to make her be my girl!"Foxy start

From then on you all start to sing that song till you got to the apartment .

You pull in the driveway

,,Owww. We really need to stop the music ?"

,,No baby we will change and start our own sleep over !"You say as you got from your car

,,YESS !" Bon scream as he got some bags

Freddy pick you up

,,What is it big guy ?"

,,Is my turn to have fun !"

*After you all change and went in the living room*

Baby put again "She is crazy but mine" and start singing whit you and the others



,,AND SHE HATE BEVERLY HILLS!" It was the first time hearing Ballora screaming .

After an hour if dancing and singing you all got some popcorn and play true or dare

,,Y/N true or dare~~"Bon say in a sassi ton

,,True ?"

,,Can we meet your Family? Like not your parents the rest?"

,,Well you are my family but sure "

,,Aww "Baby say as she hug you

,,Y/N can I join you all it look fun" Elizabeth say as she enters the living room

,,Sure Eli ! Come on !"

She run and hug you

,,Now Foxy true or dare ?"

,,You know it Ballora !"He say as he got some popcorn

,,I dare you to make Y/N hair "


,,He is your bf."

,,Calm down sugar I  am good at this let me do my magic "He say as he start to run his fingers in your hair

,,Freddy true or dare?"You ask

,,True ?"

,,For how much time you like me before I found out ?"

He turn red and look away

,,From wen we meet"

You smile and hold his hand

After 5 or 6 hours  you all past out Baby sleep like a burrito because she was covered in blankets like one

Ballora pass out on a chair

Bon and Elizabeth were on the sofa

You,Foxy and Freddy were on the floor next to Baby

*At the pizzeria*

It was 3 am

,,So do you have a 4 of heart ?"Micheal ask

,,Go fishing "William say

,,I don't get it"

,,Oh here Charlie so you need to-"

,,No why are you here and not go home like Y/N did whit the others?"

,,I don't want you two to fell lonely.Y/N got the others I got you "He say as he try to look at William cards

,,Don't you dare Michael "

,,Shut up father "

,,So aren't you tired ?"

,,No I don't have anymore organs and other thing so I can stay up with you how much you want "

,,Thanks"William and Charlie say

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