Lolbit?(chapter 8)

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You went to the old pizzeria. You enter and everything was covered in dust and spider webs .
You went over to the elevator it still work .You went down and start to look of the parts the first check was Ballora galeri

,,Hello sweetie what are you doing here ?"A voice say from your back

You turn around to see a purple and orange variant of FunTimeFoxy .You back away

,,Don't worry honey I won't hurt my brother girlfriend!"The animatronic say stepping closer to you


,,Yeah ! FunTimeFoxy is my brother well he is like my brother. Bye the way I am Lolbit."The animatronic pull his hand out for you to shake

You  shake his and back

,,Lolbit ? We meet before "You say

,,I know darling .So what are you doing here ?"

,,Looking for the parts of the others."

,,Oh there are in the scoping room I will go get them stay here tootsie "

You wait for Lolbit  and they need to go 4 times to get all the parts

,,Can you help me get them in my car ?"

,,Sure darling I don't have pretty much to do !"They  say as he got some of the parts and went to the elevator

,,Wait for me "You say as you got some of Foxy's parts and went to the elevator

,,So darling why do you need them ?"

,,I am gonna repair them"

,,Sound good "

,,You want to come whit me ? We can use another one"

,,No I am good darling "

,,Ok then ."

After you and Lolbit put all the parts in your car .Lolbit hug you and went back in the pizzeria . You got back in the car and went to the other pizzeria

*skip some time😍*

Wen you got back Michael help you put all the parts in the pizzeria. (The customers were all ready gone and the pizzeria was closed)

,,Wow you really want them back and brand new "Michel say as he put the last part on the floor

,,Of course I want that I will go get them ."

You walk in the office Elizabeth Lefty and Baby were talking .

,,Hi girls do you know were Molten is ?"

,,Probably in the vents ."Baby say

,,If you want I will  go get them.."Lefty say

,,If there aren't any problems"

Lefty back away in the vent and after some time she was gone

,,Why do you need Molten?"

,,I need you too .Me and Michael are gonna to fix you 5."You say as you went over to Elizabeth



,,Y/N do you think I can help ?"

,,Sure Eli you can  help ."

You loo back at the vent and Molten jump from it to face you

,,Cupcake!"Freddy say as some wires hug you

,,Hey fred so Baby,Molten  we are gonna fix you "

,,You only say hi to our dear friend Freddy but you forget about me right ?"

,,Sorry Foxy "

,,Y/N may I help?"Lefty say as she got from the vent

,,Sure "

The  wires pull back and all of you exit the office

,,Come on hon !.I found at Baby how can I do it !"Michael  say

*Skiping time again 😘*

,,And Bon Bon you are done !"You say

,,Thanks N/N !"Bon say

You and Michael  were proud of what you did Elizabeth fall asleep in the time and Letfy just left after you were done whit Ballora

,,You all look great "

,,Not bad yourself sugar "Foxy say as he walk over to you as you blush,,cute"

,,So can you try to get your human forms ?"

They turn in to glowing orbs and then they were in their human forms .The look normal but Baby had a broken arm Ballora had some bandage around her stomach Foxy had bandaged around his left leg and Freddy had at his neck

,,Well better then nothing "Michael  say pulling a chair and got comfortable

,,You can get the night over if you like Michael ."

,,No I am good honey .Get your time whit the other I will be here if you need me ."

You smile ,,Come get in the car we get home."

Bon Bon hope out of Freddy hand and turn in to his human form just to open the door for you  .You giggle

,,Lady's  first "He say smiling  at you

You,Baby ,Ballora and Elizabeth wen out the door as Michael scream ,,YES  GO ON LADY'S!"

The boys got in the car last and you 6 went  home

*At your apartment*

The girl got in their room and Elizabeth say she will sleep whit  them from now on

,,So I will sleep whit the girls too .Bye !"Bon Bon say entering the girls room

Foxy pick you up ,,You won't sleep whit the girls you sleep whit me !"

Freddy went over to the living room before you stop him

,,Were do you think you are going ?"You ask Freddy

,,Oh cupcake I will go sleep in the living room "He say looking at you

,,You sleep whit me ."You say

,,Really ?!"Foxy and Freddy say at the same time

,,Really "Foxy put you down and Freddy hug you

You all three went to your room and got in the bed (DON'T BE DIRTY MIND MY CHILD !)You stay in between Foxy and Freddy because Foxy didn't like the ide of Freddy next to him neither Freddy like it

Sorry I didn't post I yesterday I was sick 😔 .Anyway the next chapter won't be done bye the next day maybe at the end of the week

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