Who is puppet?(Chapter 6)

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It was an animatronic bear

,,Hey guys do you know him?"You say as you let the others in

They turn in to theyr animatronic forms .And Elizabeth went over to him

,,I don't know him but I fell like we meet before "Elizabeth say

You went to the table and sit in the chair. Molten Freddy went to your right and Baby to your left .You feel some wires around your waist it didn't hurt it fell great actually

,,Does he speaks like us ?"Baby say

,,I don't know maybe we should talk whit him "Ballora say

,,It's actually her"The animatronic whisper

You look at then it didn't scare you it make you more curious

,,Hello there I am Y/N nice to meet you ."

,,Shh. Can you talk not that lauder please?"She whisper

,,Uhh .Sure what your name ?"You whisper like she say

,,Lefty but you can call me Puppet or Charlie "The bear say

,,Charlie is that you ?"Elizabeth say as she went to the bear and hug him as tears went down her face

,,Wait Charlie?The daughter of Henry Emily?"You say as you lean closer to the animatronic

,,Yes....And Eli is that you?"

,,Yes.Are you stuck there ?"

,,Well yeah but I don't complain."The animatronic look at the others

,,Oh yea these are Molten Freddy made out of Bon Bon Ballora Fun time Freddy and FunTimeFoxy. And this is Scrap Baby but if you want Baby for short."You say looking back at them

Baby wave at Lefty and Molten Freddy went to shacke her hand

,,It's a  pleasure to meet you."Foxy say as Lefty shake his hand


,,Yes Eli ?"

,,You pull the souls from the others do you this is gonna to work on Charlie ?"

,,I don't know  .What do you think ?"You say looking up at Lefty

,,It will be great if you try "She say looking at you

,,Ok"You went over to her as try to drag her souls but only a hand you can pull then it goes back

,,Y/N it's not gonna work .I think Lefty trap my soul as he trap puppet were my soul is locked "

,,Ok then what about we get puppet out of Lefty and we let your soul to be free "Lefty look at you

,,Don't try someone  try to do this and he almost die "

You look at the floor then back at her

,,You are gonna stay here .I won't throw you back in the alley "

,,Thank you ."

You all sit in there for like an hour .Baby Elizabeth and Lefty were talking as Foxy and Freddy try to dance whit you
They were much better then you but Ballora still say that what they were doing was wrong .
You hear a knock at the door then look at it

,,Hey Y/N you have been in there for a while now is everything ok ?

You roll your eyes

,,Yeah everything is great .Just working on the animatronic is has a broken voice box"You lie as Freddy pull you close the him

,,Ok .I will have to go bye"

,,Go die "You whisper

,,That's my girl"Foxy say as hug you

,,Our"Freddy say

,,Ohh drama I like it !"Bon Bon say

,,So Charlie for how long have you been here ?"you say as you try to change the subject

,,I lose count and I even forget how old I am. The only thing I know is that I want to see papa for the last time "Lefty look up at you her ears twitch

,,Don't worry Charlie .You will see him .I promise you "


,,Yes Y/N promise us bodies and she give us ones .But we destroy them."

,,Thanks you Y/N" Lefty say

,,No problem hun "Anyway  we shouldn get home

,,Oh then bye Y/N"Lefty got up and hug you

You hug her back,,See you "

,,I wish the others meet you ."Lefty say as she pull away

,,Wait the others?"

,,I will tell you the next say bye !"

You all went out of the room .And the others turn in to cats.You pick them up and went to your car 

Before you can get in the car you heard something

,,You may not recognize me at first ,  but I assure you it's still me"

You look were the voice come from and saw something green moving .You panic and went in the car and drive home

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