He is back(chapter 10)

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,,We can wait till the next day  wen we are at the pizzeria Baby and Y/N will stay together wen we talk "Freddy say

,,Good idea " Foxy say walking to the living room

*after some time *

You all start to watch a movie

,,I don't get it " Baby say

,,My night but I still watch "You say looking  at Baby

She just smile and hug you .

Ballora fall asleep Bon went to read a book and FunTimeFoxy and FunTimeFreddy were just looking at Baby in disgust .

,,Should get to our rooms"Baby say

,,Oh ok.I fell you get Ballora or ?"

,,Don't worry N/N let her sleep here "Baby say getting up from the sofa

You and Freddy went to your bedroom . Foxy want to take a shower


,,Yes Cupcake?"

,,Why you and Foxy keep looking at back like you want to kill her right there ?"

,,We didn't look at her like that."Freddy laugh nervously

,,If you say so..."You say getting in the bed

,,So cupcake have you seen the new animatronic?"Freddy as he pull you close to him

,,No not yet. But Lefty did and got a little  bit angry when Michael ask about it "

Freddy kiss you check and you continue talking till Foxy come back

,,So sugar you and Baby can check the new animatronic before customers can come as me and the others clean around "Foxy Say getting next to you

,,Are you sure ?"

,,Yea I all ready talk whit the others"

,,Ok then night Freddy night Fox"

,,Night sugar"

,,Night cupcake!"

*The next day at the pizzeria 😍*

,,Come Baby to see the new animatronic "

,,The others won't come ?"

,,They will clean up only you and me "You say looking at Baby

,,Yay !"

You two enter the room and the other walk over to a table and listen to Foxy's plan

,,So we can ask Lefty or Michael if they can burn her or something or we can there her apart and tell that  a racoon or something "

,,I guess the one when we melt her "The others say at the same time

,,So we will have to wait for the best time "Ballora say

Back at the new animatronic

You and Baby sit on the chair well Baby sit on the chair and you just stend up

You look at the animatronic and your eyes wind

,,You are back"You say looking at Baby who was looking shock

,,How can that be positive?!"

,,It is my ladys~~"The green rabbit that try to kill you 2 times say

,,Afton how ?!"You say backing away as you try to protect Baby

,,Don't worry Y/N I won't hurt you or your friends in these 5 years I think more and more of you and I realise how useful you are so I will ask for a favor and I will leave you alone darling~~~"

You  back away a little more

,,What favor ?"You ask

,,Just if you get Henry Emily here it will be enough"

,,Henry can come here in every second he own half of our money "You say remembering that Henry was the one that help you whit the pizzeria so this mean that Charlie can see her father again

,,Great now darling~~~ You  can go back to your work or even throw me in the alley "He say in a sussy  ton

,,You stay here I don't believe you won't hurt some one now hope we never see each other after Henry come here !"You say grabbing Baby hand and get out of the room

(A/N : Sorry it's  short but I really ran out of ideas and I think this will end really soon .But don't worry I will post more another book after this I won't give spoilers but it's still like this book but  at the Mega Pizza Plex ! Hope you all have a good night/day !)

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