Fix him(chapter 3)

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,,Ok done!"You say as you pres the buton

,,Ok they can't speack now. Motlen can one of you show me were you voice box is ?"

They put down they'r bowtie .To reveal they'r voice box

,,Ok .Baby can you give me a pice of paper ?"

,,Sure. Here"

After some time Michel was done

,,Now hun press the buton agian"

You did as he say

,,Ok. Now? Do you guys feel dirfent ?"

,,No actualy no ."Freddy speak

,,I fix it .Now if one of you speak the voice of it can be heard.Now Y/N that I am done when do I start ?"

,,Well if you want now. You need to order things for the pizzeria and clean when you finish if you need help .Just scream "

,,Got it .Oh so Y/N I know that we don't know each other very well but I will like to know more about you ."

,,If you want you can come to my apartment after that .I really need a new roommate."

,,Sounds good !"

Michel say as he walk in the office
You turn to the others

,,So what have I mise ?"

,,Not much dear .Only that Foxy and Freddy really mise you "Ballora say

,,So Y/N what have you done those years ?"Baby ask

,,Not much I open this pizzeria whit Ron .Cry when I look at your thinks and the pictures I have whit you not much "

,,You still have our things ?"Baby say

,,Of course .Why did you think I will do whit them ?"

,,I don't know throw them ?"Bon Bon say

,,Why should I throw them ? That was the only thing that really say that the memories I have whit you all were real ."

,,So if you know that we are real and not a coma dream why didn't you come back ?"Bon ask

,,Ron told me that after Michel worked there you guys were missing and he close down."

,,Oh.Then I am sorry "

,,It's ok .But you guys can still turn in to your human forms ?"

,,Uhh- Yes but you will be gross out .If you see "Freddy say

,,Why how bad can it be ?"

,,Sugar .I am warning you .Wen we enard ourselves it enard our humans forms too.So you see us right ? Well imagine all the wires were organs and blood. That's what we look like and I don't want to traumatize you."Foxy say as a wire try to hold your hand

You start to thing of what Foxy told you and he was right it was gross

,,But in your animal forms ?"

,,We still can do that !" Baby say as she turn in to a cat .

You look back at molten Freddy as the wire that try to hold your hand pull away and they turn in to a dog

,,Well that's good enough. In this stage I can get you home whit me well if you want "

,,Yes please!"Baby say as she start to jump

,,It will be really nice!"Freddy say

,,Good I will go to Michel and say he need to close the pizzeria. I will be right back "You walk over to the office and went in

,,We finally get back home aren't you 4 happy ?"

,,We are baby just because we don't show it .It doesn't mean that we aren't"Foxy say

,,Foxy you start to get colder even whit Y/N is something wrong ?"

,,Yes .What if Y/N have a boyfriend now ?"

,,She doesn't Foxy so stay calm ."

Michel say as he exit the office

,,How do you know ?"Freddy ask

,,She is my best friend after you and before you enter my body I was talking whit her a lot .But I never told about you guys and that you kill me I didn't want her to freak out."He say as he pull a chair and get comfortable

,,Were is Y/N?"Ballora ask

,,He found a cat in one of the vents and she want it .Now we wait till she gets it ."Michel say while giggling

,,So Y/N like some one ?"Foxy ask

,,Yea you two "

,,Wait two ?!"Bon Bon ask

,,Yeah .You Foxy and Freddy .I need to see if she is stuck in the vent."

Michel got up and walk back in the office

,,YOU HEARD THAT FREDDY SHE LIKE YOU TOO !" Bon Bon scream like a schoolgirl

,,She like me?" Freddy say

,,No she likes Foxy too."Baby say as she try to get Foxy in it too

,,Foxy dear are you all right ?"

,,Yeah I am good .I am happy as hell she still love me !"Foxy say

,,Some one love you. And if that some one isn't me I will turn in to William Afton "You say as you pick Baby and Molten Freddy up

,,Are you happy ?"

,,Yeah Fox I am happy. And you two are really fluffy "You say as you pet Baby

,,So dear you still have our thing ?"

,,Of course I do didn't touch one of them in case you get back......"

,,Y/N be happy. Now we are all here whit you!"Bon say

You open the car door and put them in the left front seat .And you got in to the car

,,I missed being in your car Y/N"Baby say as she got comfortable

The others put in your lap

,,Bon stop !"The others scream at him

,,No way !.Now I know how Foxy was feeling when he stay here "Bon say

,,Hey! Stop fighting on my lap.If you want to fight whit yourself wait till we get home."

,,Y/N are these plushies of us ?"

,,Yea I got them because I mise you "

,,So were are we going to sleep ?"

,,All of you in my bed since you can turn in to animals "

,,But can we stay in our animatronics form ?It's not comfortable being like this ."Bon say

,,Yea .But still Baby will stay whit us because we won't forget about anyone except Ron ."

,,So that mean I can have a rug for me in your room ?"Baby ask

,,No we already got a rug in my room"You say as your remember that is what your mom say when you were a child and wanted to go to McDonald's she always say "We got food at home "

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